Free Printable Affiliate Agreement Templates [PDF / Word] + How to

An affiliate agreement is a legal contract between a business and an affiliate marketer that outlines the terms and conditions of their partnership. In this type of agreement, the business allows the affiliate to promote their products or services in exchange for a commission or other compensation.

Affiliate marketing has become an increasingly popular way for businesses to expand their reach and drive sales, while also providing a source of income for affiliates. However, it’s important for both parties to clearly define their expectations and responsibilities in the affiliate agreement to ensure a successful and mutually beneficial partnership. In this article, we will discuss the key components of an affiliate agreement and provide tips for creating a comprehensive and effective agreement.

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Affiliate Agreement Templates

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An affiliate agreement template is a pre-designed legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of the relationship between a company or product owner (referred to as the “merchant”) and an affiliate marketer. This document governs the partnership and sets forth the rights, responsibilities, and obligations of both parties.

Affiliate agreement templates typically include sections covering the commission structure, payment terms, marketing guidelines, intellectual property rights, termination conditions, and dispute resolution procedures. These templates are customizable to suit the specific needs and requirements of the affiliate program.

Using an affiliate agreement template provides a clear and standardized framework for establishing a mutually beneficial relationship between the merchant and the affiliate marketer. It ensures that both parties are on the same page regarding expectations, compensation, and compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

Definition of Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Agreement

Affiliate marketing is a type of performance-based marketing where a business (referred to as the merchant or advertiser) pays a commission to an individual or entity (referred to as the affiliate or publisher) for promoting their products or services and driving sales or other desired actions.

The affiliate typically promotes the merchant’s products or services through various marketing channels, such as social media, email marketing, content marketing, or advertising. When a customer makes a purchase or takes a desired action through the affiliate’s unique tracking link or code, the affiliate earns a commission based on a predetermined percentage or amount. Affiliate marketing has become a popular and effective way for businesses to expand their reach and drive sales, while also providing a source of income for affiliates.

When should you use an affiliate marketing agreement?

An affiliate marketing agreement should be used when you want to promote your products or services through affiliates, who are third-party individuals or companies that refer customers to your business and receive a commission on the resulting sales.

Typically, an affiliate marketing agreement outlines the terms and conditions of the affiliate program, including commission rates, payment terms, marketing guidelines, and other important details. It helps to establish a clear understanding between the business and the affiliates, which can help prevent misunderstandings and disputes in the future.

What are the benefits of an affiliate agreement?

An affiliate agreement is a legal contract between a business and an affiliate marketer that outlines the terms and conditions of their partnership. There are several benefits of having an affiliate agreement in place, including:

Clarifies expectations and responsibilities: An affiliate agreement clearly defines the expectations and responsibilities of both the business and the affiliate, including commission rates, payment terms, marketing guidelines, and other important details. This helps to avoid misunderstandings and disputes between the parties.

Builds trust and credibility: An affiliate agreement can help build trust and credibility between the business and the affiliate by establishing a professional and transparent relationship.

Ensures compliance with laws and regulations: An affiliate agreement can help ensure that the business and the affiliate comply with applicable laws and regulations, such as those related to advertising, data protection, and consumer protection.

Increases efficiency and effectiveness: An affiliate agreement can help streamline the affiliate marketing process by providing clear guidelines for promoting the business’s products or services, and by ensuring that the affiliate is properly incentivized to drive sales.

Provides a legal basis for dispute resolution: An affiliate agreement provides a legal basis for resolving disputes between the business and the affiliate, which can help to avoid costly litigation and protect both parties’ interests.

How Do Affiliates and Affiliate Agreements Work?

Affiliates and affiliate agreements work together to create a partnership where the affiliate promotes the business’s products or services and earns a commission or other compensation for any resulting sales or actions. Here’s how it works:

Components of an Affiliate Agreement

An affiliate agreement is a legal contract between a business and its affiliates that outlines the terms and conditions of their relationship. The agreement typically includes the following components:

Parties: This section identifies the parties involved in the agreement, including the business (the “merchant”) and the affiliate.

Purpose: This section explains the purpose of the agreement, which is typically to establish a commission-based relationship in which the affiliate promotes the business’s products or services and receives a commission on resulting sales.

Responsibilities: This section outlines the responsibilities of both the merchant and the affiliate, such as the affiliate’s obligations to promote the business’s products, and the merchant’s obligations to provide support and payment to the affiliate.

Commission: This section specifies the commission rate that the affiliate will receive for each sale or referral, as well as any conditions or limitations on commission payouts.

Payment terms: This section details the terms and conditions of payment to the affiliate, including the frequency of payments, methods of payment, and any minimum thresholds for commission payouts.

Marketing guidelines: This section establishes the guidelines and limitations for the affiliate’s marketing efforts, such as advertising requirements, prohibited practices, and restrictions on the use of the business’s trademarks or copyrighted materials.

Termination: This section outlines the circumstances under which either party may terminate the agreement, such as breaches of contract or changes in business circumstances.

Confidentiality: This section addresses the handling of confidential information, such as customer data or trade secrets, and establishes the obligations of both parties to protect this information.

Governing law: This section identifies the governing law that will apply to the agreement and any disputes that may arise.

It is important to note that the specific components of an affiliate agreement may vary depending on the needs of the parties involved and the industry in which they operate.

How to write an affiliate agreement

An affiliate agreement is a contract that outlines the terms and conditions of the relationship between an affiliate and the company whose products or services they are promoting. The purpose of the agreement is to establish a mutually beneficial partnership between the two parties, and to ensure that both parties understand their responsibilities and obligations. In this guide, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to write an affiliate agreement.

Step 1: Define the Parties

The first step in creating an affiliate agreement is to clearly identify the parties involved. This typically includes the company offering the affiliate program, and the individual or company who will be promoting the company’s products or services. Make sure to include the full legal names and contact information for both parties.

Step 2: Define the Program

The next step is to define the affiliate program itself. This includes information such as the commission structure, payment terms, and any specific requirements for becoming an affiliate. You may also want to include information on any promotional materials or resources that will be provided to affiliates, such as banners or product images.

Step 3: Commission Structure

The commission structure is a crucial part of any affiliate agreement. This section outlines how much commission the affiliate will earn for each sale or lead they generate, and how that commission will be paid. It is important to be clear and specific about the commission rate, as well as any restrictions or limitations on commission payouts.

Step 4: Payment Terms

In addition to the commission structure, the payment terms are another key aspect of the affiliate agreement. This section should outline how and when payments will be made, as well as any minimum payout thresholds or other requirements for receiving payments. It is important to be clear and specific about the payment terms to avoid any confusion or disputes.

Step 5: Obligations of the Affiliate

The obligations of the affiliate are another important aspect of the agreement. This section should outline what the affiliate is expected to do in order to promote the company’s products or services, as well as any restrictions or limitations on their activities. It is important to be clear and specific about the expectations for the affiliate to ensure that they understand their responsibilities.

Step 6: Obligations of the Company

The obligations of the company are equally important to the success of the affiliate program. This section should outline what the company will do to support the affiliate, such as providing promotional materials or resources, as well as any restrictions or limitations on the company’s activities. It is important to be clear and specific about the company’s obligations to ensure that the affiliate understands what they can expect from the company.

Step 7: Termination Clause

The termination clause is an important safeguard for both parties in case the relationship does not work out. This section should outline the circumstances under which the agreement can be terminated, and what will happen in the event of termination. It is important to be clear and specific about the termination process to avoid any misunderstandings or disputes.

Step 8: Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure

If there are any confidential or sensitive aspects of the affiliate program , it may be necessary to include a confidentiality and non-disclosure clause in the agreement. This section should outline what information is considered confidential, and what steps both parties will take to protect that information.

Step 9: Intellectual Property Rights

If the affiliate program involves the use of the company’s intellectual property, such as trademarks or logos, it is important to include a section on intellectual property rights. This section should outline what the affiliate is allowed to use, and what restrictions or limitations apply to the use of the company’s intellectual property.

Step 10: Governing Law and Jurisdiction

The final step is to include a governing law and jurisdiction clause in the agreement. This section should specify which laws will govern the agreement, and which jurisdiction will have authority.

Step 11: Indemnification and Liability

It is important to have a section on indemnification and liability in the affiliate agreement. This section should outline what happens in the event that the affiliate causes harm to a third party, or is sued for their actions as an affiliate. It should also include any limits on the company’s liability for the actions of the affiliate.

Step 12: Dispute Resolution

In the event of a dispute between the company and the affiliate, it is important to have a section on dispute resolution in the affiliate agreement. This section should outline the steps both parties will take to try to resolve the dispute, and what will happen if those steps are unsuccessful.

Step 13: Modifications and Amendments

The affiliate agreement may need to be modified or amended over time, and it is important to have a section in the agreement that outlines how those modifications will be made. This section should specify who has the authority to make changes to the agreement, and how those changes will be communicated to the affiliate.

Step 14: Entire Agreement

The final step in creating an affiliate agreement is to include an entire agreement clause. This section should state that the affiliate agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the company and the affiliate, and that there are no other agreements or understandings between the parties.

In summary, an affiliate agreement is an important document that outlines the terms and conditions of the relationship between a company and its affiliates. To create an effective affiliate agreement, you should define the parties, program, commission structure, payment terms, obligations of the affiliate and company, termination clause, confidentiality and non-disclosure, intellectual property rights, governing law and jurisdiction, indemnification and liability, dispute resolution, modifications and amendments, and entire agreement. By following these steps, you can create an affiliate agreement that will help to establish a mutually beneficial partnership between the company and its affiliates.


How do I create an affiliate agreement?

It is recommended that you consult with a lawyer to create an affiliate agreement that is specific to your business and industry. Alternatively, you can use a template or an online service that offers customizable affiliate agreement templates.

Can an affiliate agreement be terminated?

Yes, an affiliate agreement can be terminated by either party under certain circumstances, such as breaches of contract or changes in business circumstances. The termination provisions should be clearly stated in the agreement.

How are commissions paid to affiliates?

The payment terms for commissions should be specified in the affiliate agreement, such as the frequency of payments, methods of payment, and any minimum thresholds for commission payouts. Typically, commissions are paid to affiliates on a regular basis, such as monthly or quarterly.

What are some common mistakes to avoid in an affiliate agreement?

Some common mistakes to avoid in an affiliate agreement include vague or ambiguous language, unclear payment terms, inadequate marketing guidelines, and insufficient provisions for confidentiality or termination. It is important to ensure that the agreement is clear and comprehensive to avoid misunderstandings or disputes.

Do I need to have an affiliate program to use an affiliate agreement?

Yes, you would typically need to have an affiliate program in place in order to use an affiliate agreement. An affiliate program is a marketing strategy that allows third-party individuals or companies (affiliates) to promote your products or services and receive a commission on resulting sales. The affiliate agreement establishes the terms and conditions of the affiliate program.

What is the difference between an affiliate agreement and a referral agreement?

An affiliate agreement and a referral agreement are similar in that they both establish a commission-based relationship between two parties. However, an affiliate agreement typically involves a more formal and structured program in which the business provides marketing materials and support to the affiliate, while a referral agreement is typically a more casual relationship in which the referrer simply recommends the business to others in exchange for a commission.

Can an affiliate agreement be changed or modified?

Yes, an affiliate agreement can be changed or modified if both parties agree to the changes. It is recommended that any changes to the agreement be made in writing and signed by both parties to ensure that there is a clear understanding of the new terms and conditions.

What are some examples of businesses that use affiliate agreements?

Many different types of businesses can use affiliate agreements, such as e-commerce retailers, software companies, subscription services, and online education providers. Any business that wants to expand its reach and increase its sales through referrals from other websites or social media influencers could benefit from an affiliate program and agreement.

Can an affiliate agreement be used for offline marketing?

Yes, an affiliate agreement can be used for offline marketing as well as online marketing. For example, an affiliate could distribute flyers or promotional materials in their local area to promote the business’s products or services, and receive a commission on resulting sales.

What happens if there is a dispute between the merchant and the affiliate?

If there is a dispute between the merchant and the affiliate, it is recommended that they try to resolve the issue through negotiation or mediation. If a resolution cannot be reached, legal action may be necessary. The governing law provisions in the affiliate agreement will specify which jurisdiction’s courts would have jurisdiction over the dispute.

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