The Global Open University

(vii) the particulars of any arrangement that exists for consultation with, or representation by, the members of the public in relation to the formulation of its policy or implementation thereof; Click here

(viii) a statement of the boards, councils, committees and other bodies consisting of two or more persons constituted as its part or for the purpose of its advice, and as to whether meetings of those boards, councils, committees and other bodies are open to the public, or the minutes of such meetings are accessible for public; Click here

(ix) a directory of its officers and employees; Click here

(x) the monthly remuneration received by each of its officers and employees, including the system of compensation as provided in its regulations. Click here

(xi) the budget allocated to each of its agency, indicating the particulars of all plans, proposed expenditures and reports on disbursements made; Click here

(xii) the manner of execution of subsidy programmes, including the amounts allocated and the details of beneficiaries of such programmes; Click here

(xiii) particulars of recipients of concessions, permits or authorisations granted by it; Click here

(xiv) details in respect of the information, available to or held by it, reduced in an electronic form; Click here

(xv) the particulars of facilities available to citizens for obtaining information, including the working hours of a library or reading room, if maintained for public use; Click here

(xvi) the names, designations and other particulars of the Public Information Officers; Click here

(xvii) such other information as may be prescribed; and thereafter update these publications every year; Click here



Manual – I

Particulars of the Organisation, Functions and Duties under Section 4 (I) (b) (i) of Right to Information Act, 2005.

Introduction :
The Global Open University, Nagaland has been established under the provisions of The Global Open University Act 2006 (Act 3 of 2006) of the Government of Nagaland under Section 2 (f) of the UGC Act 1956. Consequently, The Global Open University, Nagaland Amendment Act 2011 (Act No 6 of 2011) further declares the University as a State University. This University been established with the purpose of introducing vocational, job oriented and employment centric education in the North-Eastern region in general with particular emphasis in the State of Nagaland. The State Government of Nagaland has taken bold steps in strengthening the activities of The Global Open University, Nagaland by enabling the World Institution Building Programme (WIBP) to develop adequate infrastructure in Nagaland for an open system educational policy. There are 3 University Campuses in Nagaland operating at Kohima, Dimapur and Wokha and the University Headquarters is in Dimapur. Presently, operations at the Kohima and Wokha campus has been temporarily halted and the University has been functioning from its headquarters at Sodzulhou village, Dimapur.
The University conducts Distance Mode of learning as well as 2 (two) regular classes which are job-oriented and Professional in nature namely, B.B.A in Fashion Design and B.Sc in Hotel Management and Catering Technology at Dimapur Headquarter.

Name of the Organization: The Global Open University, Nagaland.

The objectives of the University are as follows:

  1. The University shall design and run courses and programmes leading to the award of certificates, diplomas, degrees of bachelor, master and other academic distinctions, under the faculties and in the subject enumerated.
  2. The University, by regulation, has the power to abolish or create any faculty of any course or programme of study enumerated in the schedule without causing any detriment to the interests of teachers or students concerned.
  3. The University may impart instructions in regard to a course or programme or study through one or more modes, which may include distance, continuing and regular modes of teaching and learning.
  4. Without prejudice to the above, the main objective of The University shall be to provide high quality professional, technical and technological in-campus, class room, formal and regular courses and programmes of study to the students hailing from Nagaland in such subjects, areas and fields of study which are generally not offered by other Institutions in Nagaland.
  5. The University shall specially strive to have professional, academic and other possible link-ups and ties with various centers of excellence in and outside the country for promoting the standards of education provided, for improving the methodologies of teaching and for upgrading the potentials of teaching and non-teaching staff of the University.

Functions and duties: The University shall have the following powers and functions:

  1. To provide for instruction, teaching and training in all the branches of study and particularly for research, advancement and dissemination of knowledge through establishment of institutes, departments, schools, faculties and other centers of excellence
  2. To hold examinations and to grant and confer certificates, diplomas, degrees and other academic distinctions on those who pass the examinations, to confer honorary distinctions on men and women of eminence and to withdraw the certificates, diplomas etc from those who had been conferred for good and sufficient reasons.
  3. To affiliate colleges under Section 3 (7) of the University Act which has been passed by the Legislative Assembly along with the assent of His Excellency Governor of Nagaland.
  4. To transform the University into a centre of excellence particularly in the fields of healthcare, Para-medical education, hospital administration, physical and biological sciences, technology including information and communication technologies, Engineering, Social work, Environmental Science, Law, Fine Arts etc
  5. To maintain and manage the physical and financial assets of the University in the most effective manner with the view to promote the purpose of the University
  6. To appoint professors, associate, assistant professors, readers, lecturers and others connected with teaching with a view to imparting instructions of very high standards
  7. To establish all physical amenities conductive to the most effective learning by the students enrolled with the University
  8. To institute fellowships, scholarship, prizes, medals etc, with a view to promote research and motivating study;
  9. To collaborate, cooperate and act jointly with other organizations, institution, Universities etc, within and outside India, particularly in the fields of medical education, engineering, technology, environmental science, law and fine arts etc, for strengthening research and improving quality of instructions to students;
  10. To disseminate knowledge to the students through seminars, conference, executive education programmes publications and training programs;
  11. To provide consultancy to industry, government and public organizations;
  12. To establish and maintain within the premises of the University or elsewhere, such classrooms, study halls as the University may consider necessary and adequately furnish the same;
  13. To receive grants, subscriptions, donations and gifts for the purpose of the University and consistent with the objects for which the University is established;
  14. To purchase, take on lease or accept as gift or otherwise any land or buildings of works which may be necessary or convenient for the purpose of the University on such terms and conditions as the University may deem fit and to construct or alter and maintain any such buildings or works;
  15. To execute conveyance, transfer, re-conveyance, mortgages, leases, license and agreements in respect of property, moveable or in-moveable, including securities belonging to the University or to acquire the same for the purpose of the University;
  16. To enter into agreements with Organizations which may include the central government, the state government, the University Grants Commission or other authorities for relieving grants;

To accept grants of money, securities or property of any kind on such terms and conditions as may be deemed expedient;

  1. To raise and borrow money on mortgage, promissory notes or on other obligations or securities based upon all or any of the properties and assets of the University with or without any securities and upon such terms and conditions as it may deem fit and to pay out of the funds of the University all expenditures incidental to the raising of the money and to repay and redeem any money borrowed;
  2. To invest the funds of the University or money entrusted to the University in other such securities and in such manner as it may deem fit and form time to time transpose any investment; and
  3. To do all other acts as the University may consider necessary that are conductive or incidental to the attainment and promotion of the aforesaid objectives.

The Hon’ble Chancellor shall be responsible for the distribution of the aforesaid powers and functions of the University amongst the officers, councils, committees, boards and other authorities of the University in accordance with the provisions of this Act for carrying out the objectives of the University.

TGOUN Office Addresses

The Global Open University, Nagaland
Sodzulhou Village
Nagaland – 797 115
Office Phone No: 8731887593/94
website –

Office Timing:
10:00 A.M.- 4:00 P.M.
However, all staff of the University performs their duties during and after office hours and also on government holidays as and when necessary.

Departments and Schools:
The Global Open University, Nagaland took the initiatives for establishing the following Schools for conducting different programmes :
1. School of Actuarial Sciences
2. School of Agriculture
3. School of Applied Sciences
4. School of Bio-Informatics and Bio-Technology
5. School of Computing Techniques and Informatics
6. School of Dance, Drama and Music
7. School of Disaster and Emergency Management
8. School of Education
9. School of Engineering and Technology
10. School of Environmental Studies
11. School of Fine Arts
12. School of Fashion Technology and Cosmetology
13. School of Geriatric Care
14. School of Intellectual Property Rights
15. School of Interfaith Studies
16. School of International Studies
17. School of Journalism and Mass Communication
18. School of Juridical Sciences
19. School of Language Studies
20. School of Library and Information Sciences
21. School of Management Studies
22. School of Medicinal Plants
23. School of Modern Medicine
24. School of Oriental Medicine
25. School of Pollution Control
26. School of Paramedical Studies
27. School of Remote Sensing and GIS
28. School of Social Sciences
29. School of Sustainable Development
30. School of Tourism and Hospitality Management

Officers of University :

  1. The Visitor: Governor of Nagaland
  2. The Pro Chancellor: Dr. S.N Pandey
  3. The Vice Chancellor: Dr. H.N Dutta
  4. The Registrar: The Director of the University performs dually as Registrar of the University
  5. The Director: Dr. Imotemsu Ao
  6. The Deans: Kindly refer to the list of University Academic experts listed in the Directory in Manual (ix)

Such other persons who may be declared by regulation as Officers of the University.


Powers & Duties of Officers & Employees:

Powers and duties of Officers and Employees under Section 4(1) (b) (ii) of RTI Act, 2005.

H.E The Governor of Nagaland, Visitor –

Pro Chancellor



The Chancellor may co-opt any other Director of the University in any Council, Committee, Board or authority of the University.


Decision Making Process:

The Procedure followed in decision making process including channels of supervision and accountability under Section 4(I) (b) (iii) of RTI Act, 2005. .

: The Global Open University Nagaland is accountable to the Governor (Chancellor), Government of Nagaland and other such departments of the elective of state government.

The hierarchy of decision making process in the University: click here


Norms for discharge of its functions:

The norms set for discharge of functions under Section 4(I) (b) (iv) of RTI Act, 2005. .

The Global Open University Nagaland strives to ensure that the institution continues its mandated mission to meet the comprehensive post-graduate education needs of the residents of the State of Nagaland and the nation through. The main concern of functioning is the academic implementation.


Rules, Regulations, Instructions, Manuals & Records:

The rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and records held by it or under its control or used by its employees for discharging its functions under Section 4(I) (b) (v) of RTI Act, 2005.

Based on The Global Open University (Nagaland) Act 2006 and the Office Memorandum in accordance to the needs of the University based on the guidelines of the Act. The Ordinance of the University is under process.


Categories of documents that are held by it or under its control:

A statement of the categories of documents that are held by it or under its control under Section 4(I) (b) (vi) of RTI Act, 2005. .

Documents relating to service matter of the staff, the financial administration of the University, the office memorandum and all other academic administration like student enrollment, conduct of examination and dispatch. The University Specifically has 8 (eight) sections to co-opt with its various functions. They are as follows:

  1. General Administration
  2. Training of officers & subordinates
  3. Keeping rules and regulations up to date
  4. Introduction and enforcement of assignment
  5. Arrangement/ Supervision of office rooms and buildings
  6. Annual Administrative reports
  7. Memorandum of understanding with other agency /Institution
  8. Opening of new campus/ institution
  9. General correspondence
  10. Matters relating to RTI
  1. Policies regarding service matters
  2. Assessment of manpower, requirement & creation of posts
  3. Transfer & posting of staff
  4. Conformation/ fixation of seniority of all officers & sub ordinates
  5. All matter relating to promotion, service condition, service rules & regulation
  6. Constitution of medical board for confirmation/ invalidation of staff
  7. Maintenance of Annual performance assessment, reports & assessment of staffs
  8. Prescription of educational qualification for recruitment
  9. Prescription of office hours/ control of office discipline & punctuality/ surprise checks
  10. Any other related to establishment matters
  11. Maintenance of all personal files
  12. Entry of all service book
  13. Grant of all kinds of leave
  1. Preparation of budget & accounts
  2. Annual audit
  3. All matter relating to purchase of office stationary/ furniture/ equipments etc
  4. All matter relating ti reimbursement of Rent rate & taxes/ office expenses
  5. Issue of office pay slip
  6. Checking of IPS
  7. Preparation of monthly expenditure
  8. All matter relating to transports
  9. Grant of remuneration/ Honorarium
  10. Grant of Annual increment
  11. Disbursements of bills
  12. Maintenance of cash book/ bill registar etc
  13. All matter relating to receipt and payment/
  1. Planning of the University
  2. Laying down the guidelines for the University regarding the drawing up of the programmes & schemes & working on economic, administrative & organizational appraisal of the plan scheme & programmes of the University
  3. Assessment of plan resources
  4. Laying down of targets & physical achievement
  5. Advice to the Authority in matter relating to plan formation & the general principles relating to planning
  6. Evaluation & implementation of plan schemes
  7. Scrutiny of plan schemes
  8. Manpower planning development of employment schemes under the University & any other matter as maybe assigned from time to time
  9. Initiative of all innovative project/ schemes of the University
  10. Modernization of office equipments
  1. All matter relating to general publicity as & when required
  2. Annual administrative report, magazines etc
  3. Advertisement & press releases
  4. Publication of pamphlets, brochures, folders, postures, hoardings etc
  5. Issue of Identity card
  6. Relation with different:-
  7. Governmental Deptt
  8. Organizations
  9. Student bodies
  10. Media etc
  11. Audio-Visual documentation
  12. University protocol duty
  13. Supervision on launch of seminar, training etc
  14. Looking after all public grievances
  15. All media coverage
  1. Civil works under TGOUN
  2. Notice inviting tender (NIT)
  3. Issue of work order
  4. Preparation of Detail Project Report (DPR)
  5. Preparation of on the spot verification inspection & report
  6. Preparation of Bill of Civil Works
  7. Maintenance of MB book
  1. Admission & enrollment of students
  2. Students support service & grievance
  3. Distribution & regulation of materials for study
  4. Conduct of personal contact programme (PCP) classes/ workshops & seminar etc
  5. Research & documentation maintenance
  6. Regulation of Academic Calendar of all departments
  7. Library maintenance
  1. Extracurricular activities, exposure, educational tour for students
  2. Regulation of syllabus & curricular
  3. Review of academic, examination rules & regulation
  4. Industrial training / field work & research survey for students
  5. Counseling & disciplinary regulation of students
  6. Conduct of parent teacher meet, student scholarship
  7. Deptt. of Fashion Technology
  8. Deptt. of Hotel Management
  1. Tenure & regulation of examination forms
  2. Allotment of exam roll no’s
  3. Regulation of exam admit cards
  4. Moderation of question paper
  5. Tabulation
  6. Issue of mark sheet/ certificates / provisional certificate
  7. Appointment of examiner, scrutinizers & chief examiners
  8. Moderation & declaration of results
  9. All matter relating to exam of
  10. Regular
  11. Correspondence etc
  12. Students Internal (IA) correspondence
  13. Authenticity of documents
  14. Paper setting
  15. Printing of confidential matters
  16. Appointment of practical examiners
  17. Preparation of exam routine
  18. Correction of names
  19. Issue of duplicate documents
  20. Registration
  21. Migration
  22. Distribution of confidential papers
  23. Safe custody of marksheets & tabulation registers


Information for Consultation or representation, by members of the Public, on formulation of Policy or implementation:

The particulars of any arrangement that exist for consultation with or representation by, the members of the public in relation to the formulation of its policy or implementation thereof under Section 4(I) (b) (vii) of RTI Act, 2005.

The University for Consultation with the students provides Counseling officers, Counselors and Asst. Counselors to interact with the students face to face and also to the general Public for information relating to the various academic areas.
The University also conducts Seminars, workshops and Career Counseling’s which are open to the public. Parents Teachers Meet are conducted twice annually for performance appraisal and feedback. Orientation programme conducted annually on commencement of every academic session.


Advice given by the Boards, Councils, Committees & others:

A statement of boards, Council, committees and other bodies consisting of two or more persons constituted as its part or for the purpose of its advice, and as to whether meetings of those boards, councils, committees and other bodies are open to public, or the minutes of such meetings are accessible for public under Section 4(I) (b) (viii) of RTI Act, 2005

The Global Open University, Nagaland is governed by the councils and committees constituted by the University Act for its academic as well as administrative activities namely the


Directory of its officers & employees:

A directory of its Officers & Employees under Section 4(I) (b) (ix) of RTI Act, 2005

A directory of its officers and employees:


The monthly remuneration received by each of its officer & employees including the system of compensation as provided in regulations:

: Mandatory post as per the U.G.C norms and other employees as per the State Government Service Rule.

The monthly Remuneration received by its officers and employees Click here


The Budget allocated to each agency, indicating the particulars of all plans, proposed expenditures and reports on disbursement made under Section 4(I) (b) (xi) of RTI Act, 2005.

Expenditure Account
Provisional Budget
2017-18(Rupees in Lacs)


Implementation of subsidy programmes:

The manner of execution of subsidy programmes, including the amounts allocated and the details of beneficiaries of such programmes: NA


Particulars of recipient of concessions, permits or authorization granted by aid:

For students enrolled in the regular courses offered, concession for N-E students with a 25% discount, and the students through Higher and Technical Education with a rate of 30% concession.
Subsidized low fee for distance learning courses.

Apart from the concessions offered, the University is entitled for the Governmental Scholarships for both the students of regular and distance courses which are being offered under PMCS, Nagaland Merit Scholarship, Minority Scholarships etc through the Government of Nagaland. The list of beneficiaries for the said scholarships are listed below:


Details information available to, or held by its reduced in an electronic form:

Details in respect of the information available or held by it, reduced in an electronic form:

Details of the courses run by the University, the information of admissions along with the admission form in PDF format and other such information can be obtained from the official website of the University at,, Apart from the admission and examinations forms the following are included in the e-form:

  1. Letter issued by The University Grants Commission (UGC)
  1. Letter issued by Punjab University Chandigarh for recognizing the MA Degree of TGOU at par with M.Ed. degree of Punjab University.
  2. List of Universities/Institutions approved by Distance Education Council (As on 01/01/2010)DEC Letter
  3. The Letter of Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India
  4. The Nagaland Gazette Extraordinary Published by Authority
  5. The Global Open University Nagaland Right to Information


Facilities available to citizens for obtaining information:

Exclusively maintained for the students of TGOUN for assistance of which the University entrust to the counselors of the University. Avail the facilities during 10:00 hrs – 17:00 hrs on all working days.


Names designations for P.I.O:

The names, designations and other particulars of the Public Information Officers under Section 4 (I) (b) (xvi) of RTI Act, 2005.

Directorate Level :

Public Authority Appellate Authority Public Information Officer
The Global Open University, Nagaland Shri. Sushil Singh
Controller of Examinations
Shri. Keluozie Kesiezie
Assistant Administrative Officer – I, Dimapur

Smti Katiya Kayina,
Counseling Officer

Smti Achoni Murry
Counseling Officer
# 91-9615397879