Sample Affidavit In Support for a Fee Waiver Request from USCIS (Template) [pdf]
This is a template of a an Affidavit in Support for a Fee Waiver request from USCIS. This form can be use to show household income and other assets in apply for VAWA self-petition (I-360), U visa waiver (I-192), Employment Authorization Document (I-765) and Adjustment of Status (I-485). Currently there is no fee to apply for U visa (I-918). Household income is one of the factors USCIS evaluates in determining eligibility for a fee waiver.
Published November 9, 2015
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- (April 26, 2024) North Platte, Nebraska Community Safety Forum Training- Legal Protections for Immigrant Survivors of Domestic and Sexual Violence that Enhance Victim and Community Safety
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- *Amicus Briefs-Gender Discrimination in U.S. Immigration Laws
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- *Amicus Briefs-Special Immigrant Juvenile Status
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- *Amicus Briefs-Trauma, Testimony and Child Brain Development
- *Amicus Briefs-Trauma, Testimony, and Adult Victims
- *Amicus Briefs-U Visa
- *Amicus Briefs-VAWA Confidentiality
- *August 8, 2024 Webinar: Improving Access to Justice for Immigrant Survivors of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Stalking, and Human Trafficking
- *Battered Spouse Waiver (BSW) Webinar and Training Materials (November 18, 2021)
- *Bench Cards
- *Best Interest of the Child Statutes – State-by-State Maps and Comparison Charts (December 2017)
- *Best Practices for Advocacy-Initiated Response (AIR) working with Immigrant Crime Victims
- *Breaking Barriers Table of Contents
- *California’s U Visa Certification Law (Penal Code Section 679.10)
- *Child Custody and Immigration-Related Abuse: Myths and Best Practices National Webinar (December 13, 2021)
- *Coercive Control in Families, the Impact on Children and Extreme Cruelty (Presentation by Evan Stark)
- *Connecticut: U Visa Certification Law and Implementing Law Enforcement Protocol (2010)
- *Custody of Children in Mixed-Status Families: Preventing the Misunderstanding and Misuse of Immigration Status in State-Court Custody Proceedings
- *Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Immigration Policies Released in 2021 and 2022: That Are Important for Immigrant Survivors (October 14, 2021, Last Updated May 17, 2022)
- *Department of Homeland Security’s Interactive Infographic on Protections for Immigrant Victims
- *Dynamics, Screening, Interviewing, Safety Planning, Collaboration and Best Practices (February 6, 2023)
- *Electronic Evidence
- *Empowering Survivors Table of Contents
- *Evidence Checklists
- *Evidence Checklists For Work With Immigrant Survivors (February 11, 2017)
- *Family Law
- *Family Law COP Materials Repository
- *Family Law FAQs
- *Family Law Service of Process and Jurisdiction Requirements Charts
- *Financing college for DACAmented and undocumented students
- *Gender-based Asylum 2018 policies have no effect on VAWA protections for Immigrant Domestic Violence Victims
- *Guide to Obtaining U Visa Certifications Practice Advisory (July 2017)
- *Healthcare Available to Immigrant Crime Victims Including Related to the COVID-19 Pandemic
- *Healthcare: Understanding the Affordable Care Act and How it Affects Immigrant Survivors” (Webinar-April 16, 2015)
- *Housing for Immigrant Survivors Training Materials
- *How to Get a Detained Person to Court for Family Court Cases Involving Children
- *How VAWA Confidentiality Impacts Discovery in Cases Involving Immigrant Survivors (updated November 18, 2022)
- *ICE Attorneys VAWA Confidentiality Training
- *Immigrant Survivor’s Stories
- *Immigrant Victims of Interpersonal Violence and Protection Orders
- *Immigration and Customs Enforcement January 2018 Courthouse Enforcement Policy and VAWA Confidentiality Protections for Immigrant Crime Victims (January 31, 2018)
- *Immigration Relief for Crime Victims
- *Inadmissibility Comparison Charts for Crime Victim Related Forms of Immigration Relief
- *Inclusive Legal Services and Language Access for Immigrant Crime Victims
- *Interactive Public Benefits Map
- *International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) Resolution on Education and Awareness of U and T Visa Certifications (November 2018)
- *July 23rd, 2024 Phoenix, Arizona, National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges Annual Conference Issues Surrounding Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS) Petitions
- *July 2nd, 2024 Victim Advocates Community of Practice: New T-Visa Regulations and What It Means for Victim Advocates
- *July 30, 2024 LETTAC: Amherst, MA
- *June 11th, 2024 Family Law Community of Practice – Leveraging Immigration Affidavits of Support in Divorce Action
- *June 18-21, 2024 Louisville, Kentucky NJIDV EJS – U Visa Certification Considerations for Judicial Officers
- *Know Your Rights Information, Dynamics, and Trauma-Informed Practices
- *Labor Charts: Employment Based U Visa Criminal Activity State Charts (December 31, 2021)
- *Language Access Materials for Police and Prosecutors (Updated 10/16/2019)
- *Language Access Training Materials (Updated June 18, 2019)
- *Legal Services Access Open to All Immigrant Survivors Materials (updated March 2024)
- *Legislative History
- *Legislative Proposals That Benefit Immigrant Survivors of Domestic and Sexual Violence and Child Abuse (June 5, 2021)
- *Manuals
- *May 16th, 2024 Family Law Community of Practice: New T-Visa Regulations and What It Means for Family Law Cases
- *Multilingual Materials by Language
- *Multilingual Materials by Title
- *National Judicial Network (July 6, 2021): “Judicial Responses to Labor Trafficking” (Webinar)
- *National Judicial Network Peer-to-Peer Forum (December 7, 2021): DC Court’s STAR Assessment Tool Training: Helping Courts Identify Child Trafficking Victims
- *National Judicial Network Peer-to-Peer Forum (February 1st, 2022): New DHS Immigration and Victim Protection Policies
- *National Judicial Network Peer-to-Peer Forum (June 1, 2021): Immigration Options for Survivors & Court’s Role
- *National Judicial Network Peer-to-Peer Forum (November 2, 2021): U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Answers Judges’ Questions on SIJS, U Visas, and T Visas
- *National Judicial Network Peer-to-Peer Forum (October 5, 2021): Online Trafficking and Recruitment Trends for Child Sex Trafficking
- *National Judicial Network Peer-to-Peer Forum: Trauma-Responsive Advocacy for CSEC Youth, the Model Rules, and Better Dependency Outcomes (November 1, 2022)
- *National Judicial Network Peer-to-Peer Forum: Child Labor Trafficking in the U.S. – An Overview of Research, Policies, and Opportunities (May 3, 2022)
- *National Judicial Network Peer-to-Peer Forum: Commercial Sex Trafficking of Young Males (April 5, 2022)
- *National Judicial Network Peer-to-Peer Forum: End of the Year Update – Federal Laws & Policies and Latest Data Important for Courts Hearing Cases Involving Immigrant Victims of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Child Abuse and Human Trafficking (December 8, 2022)
- *National Judicial Network Peer-to-Peer Forum: Introduction to The National Judicial Network (March 2, 2021)
- *National Judicial Network Peer-to-Peer Forum: The Development of the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC) Courts (February 7, 2023)
- *National Judicial Network Peer-to-Peer Session (April 6, 2021): Trauma for Judges: Where do you see it? How do you identify it? What do you do about it?
- *National Judicial Network Peer-to-Peer Session (May 4, 2021) Human Trafficking Victims Identification & Red Flags
- *National Judicial Network Peer-to-Peer Session (September 14, 2021): Cultural Competence and Its Importance in Immigration and Human Trafficking Cases
- *National Judicial Network Session & Webinar Recordings
- *National Judicial Network Webinar – Criminal Justice Responses to Asian Women Caught in the Cross-Hairs of Exploitation and Human Trafficking (January 11, 2022)
- *National Judicial Network Webinar – Immigration Options for Survivors & Court’s Role (November 4, 2021)
- *National Judicial Network Webinar – Readily Identifying and Effectively Responding to Stalking in Family Court: A Resource for Judicial Officers (March 7, 2023)
- *National Judicial Network Webinar – Familial Trafficking: What Research Tells Us About Risk and Opportunity (June 6, 2022)
- *National Judicial Network Webinar – We Are Not Invisible: Improving Awareness of Human Trafficking Issues in Indigenous Communities (July 5, 2022)
- *National Judicial Network: Forum on Human Trafficking and Immigration in State Courts (2021 – 2024)
- *New Practices Advisory on Special Immigrant Juvenile Status Applications Published (September 17, 2018)
- *New U and T Visa Application and Certification Forms (December 6, 2021)
- *NIWAP Newsletter – September 2014: First Newsletter
- *NIWAP Podcast Series Directory
- *NIWAP Trainings
- *NIWAP’s Transforming Lives Study Provides Evidence-Based Support for The Effectiveness of the VAWA and U Visa Programs and the DHS U Visa Bona Fide Policy That Provides Earlier Access Deferred Action and Work Authorization To Applicants (June 14, 2021)
- *Out of the Shadows (DHS Blue Campaign PSA)
- *Permissibility of Providing Legal Services to Noncitizen Parents and Noncitizen Guardians of Children Seeking Special Immigrant Juvenile Status
- *Podcasts
- *Police Executive Research Forum’s Summer 2017 Newsletter Article: “U Visas and the Role of Local Police in Preventing and Investigating Crimes Against Immigrants”
- *Pro Bono Institute “Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Self-Petition” Training Module
- *Pro Bono Training Institute “U Visa” Training Module
- *Public Benefits
- *Public Charge and Deeming Rule Exemptions for Immigrant Survivors and Their Children Eligible: New Rule Published (September 2022)
- *Reasons why DACA can help immigrant crime victims
- *Regulations and Policies
- *Resources and Economic Relief to Support Immigrant Survivors of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault
- *Resources for Foreign Born and Undocumented Students Seeking Scholarships to Pursue Degrees (January 6, 2022)
- *Resources for Foreign-born Student Victims
- *Sample DACA Application & Biometrics Letter
- *San Francisco Superior Court, Civil Division, U Visa Certification Protocol (October 27, 2017)
- *September 4, 2024 Manchester, New Hampshire: What Happens When We Get It Wrong? Predominant Aggressor Determination in Cases Involving Immigrant and non-English Speaking Victims
- *September 5-6, 2024 Dallas, Texas LETTAC: Investigating and Prosecuting Cases of Intimate Partner Violence Involving Immigrant Crime Victims and Leveraging U and T Visa Programs
- *Significance of Trauma History of Minors
- *SJI-Training Manual for Courts Table of Contents
- *Speaking Justice: Providing Language Access in the Courts – Webinar & Training Materials Language Access (April 2, 2024)
- *Special Immigrant Juvenile Status — National Judicial Network Webinar – New Regulations, Policies, and Court Rulings: The Impact on State Courts Issuing Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS) Orders (October 4, 2022)
- *Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS)Bench Book (March 31, 2018) Table of Contents
- *Spouses Battered or Subjected to Extreme Cruelty by A, E (3), H or G Visa Holders Are Eligible to Apply for Work Authorization (February 14, 2017)
- *Stalking
- *State and Federally Funded Public Benefits Charts – By State, By Benefits Program and By Immigration Status for Immigrant Crime Victims
- *State Definitions of Child Abuse and Neglect
- *State STOP, VOCA, FVPSA Administrators Training Materials
- *State U and T Visa Certification Laws
- *State-By-State Immigrant Access to Health Benefits
- *Statutes
- *Support and Training Materials for STOP, VOCA and FVPSA State Grant Administrators (December 12, 2022)
- *The Center on Immigration and Child Welfare
- *The U Visa and VAWA Training Modules
- *Three Federal Agencies Issue Joint Agency Letter On Shelters and Transitional Housing (August 12, 2016)
- *Tools for Advocates Assisting Immigrant Crime Victims in Immigration Cases
- *Trafficking FAQs
- *Trafficking Victims Protection Act and Reauthorization Acts
- *Training Bulletin: Improving Crime Fighting Outcomes in Cases of Immigrant Victims: The Role of Continued Presence and U and T Visa as Tools for Law Enforcement
- *Training Materials for Victim Advocates and Attorneys (last updated November 2023)-List of Topics
- *Training Materials: Access to Public Benefits and Services for Immigrant Survivors
- *Training Materials: Education (Last Updated- February 2022)
- *Training Materials: Family Law
- *Training Materials: Immigration Relief for Immigrant Crime Victims and Immigrant Children
- *Training Materials: Language Access (Last Updated – March 2018)
- *Training Materials: Law Enforcement and Prosecutors (Last Updated – August 11, 2024)
- *Training Materials: Prosecutors (Last Updated – April 11, 2023)
- *Training Materials: Public Benefits (Last Updated – June 2021)
- *Training Materials: SJI (Last Updated – March 2018)
- *Training Materials: U and T Visa Certification (Last Updated – March 2018)
- *Training Materials: VAWA Confidentiality Protections (Last Updated – February 2018)
- *Training Tools for Prosecutors on the U Visa, VAWA and Criminal Court Discovery (June 2023)
- *Trauma-Informed Help For Immigrant Survivors (Updated March 22, 2023)
- *Two new publications regarding USCIS June 29, 2020, new filing locations
- *U and T Visa Model Policy and Toolkit (April 10, 2018)
- *U and T Visa Toolkit for Law Enforcement Agencies and Prosecutors
- *U and T Visa Training Materials
- *U and T visas
- *U Visa Certification and T Visa Declaration Toolkits (Last Updated December 29, 2021)
- *Understanding the Judicial Role in U Visa Certification
- *USCIS to Grant Parole to Wait List Approved U Visa Victims and Family Members Included In Victim’s U Visa Applications
- *VAWA Confidentiality and Discovery Cases (October 18, 2022)
- *VAWA Confidentiality and Privacy Protections
- *VAWA Confidentiality and Protections for Immigrant Victims of Domestic Violence (October 31, 2017)
- *VAWA Confidentiality Protections for Immigrant Crime Victims (Update March 8, 2021)
- *VAWA Self-Petition: Protections for Immigrant Survivors of Domestic and Sexual Abuse by Abusive Spouses and Parents (Webinar – April 22, 2020, with Materials and Q & A Answers)
- *VAWA Self-Petitioners Comparison Charts & Interlineated Statutes: VAWA NACARA (Nicaraguan and Central American Relief Act), VAWA HRIFA (Haitian Refugee Immigration Fairness Act), and VAWA CAA (Cuban Adjustment Act)(April 22, 2020)
- *Victims of Crime Act Assistance (VOCA) for Immigrant Survivors
- *Webinars
- *Winning Custody Cases for Immigrant Survivors: the Clash of Laws, Cultures, Custody and Parental Rights (2017)
- *SJI and National Judicial Network Training Materials (Last Updated June 8, 2023)
- 2018 Missouri Judicial College Trainings
- Amicus Briefs by Topic
- Apr 11, 2019: College Park, MD “Serving Victims of Special Populations”
- April 10, 2015: “Assessing Helpfulness for Immigrant Crime Victims Battered Women’s Justice Project (BWJP)” (Webinar)
- April 11, 2017: Albuquerque, NM “U Visa Certifications: Helpful Tools for Prosecuting Violence and Sexual Assault Cases”
- April 18, 2019: “Public Benefits and Services Legally Available to Immigrant Children and Victims – What Courts Need to Know” (Webinar)
- April 18, 2023 “Tips and Guidance for Helping Unaccompanied Immigrant Youth Access Publically Funded Benefits and Services”
- April 19, 2013: “Yes We Can!: Public Benefits for Immigrant Survivors” (Webinar)
- April 20-21, 2018: Albuquerque, NM “Judicial Training Network: First Annual Multi-State Training”
- April 22, 2015: Galloway, NJ
- April 23, 2014:Training For Advocates and Attorneys on Trauma Informed Work With Immigrant Women
- April 24, 2019: San Diego, CA “Best Practices for Working with Immigrant Crime Victims”
- April 25, 2019: Biloxi, MS “Immigration Protections for Immigrant Victims of Child Abuse, Family and Sexual Violence: Role of State Court Judges”
- April 26, 2022 WILMU Webinar Series: Immigrant Survivors and Their Children: Assisting Survivors With Immigration Case Filings and Anticipating Issues In Preparation for Court
- April 27, 2023: Best Practices for Serving Immigrant Victims: Enhancing Safety Planning, Access to Public Benefits and Services (MD Conference)
- April 28, 2017: “DC Superior Court Quarterly Training: Protection of Immigrant Crime Victims” (Webinar)
- April 5-6, 2019: New Orleans, LA “Judicial Training Network Multi-State Training”
- April 8, 2011: Washington, DC “Keeping the Dream Alive: Immigration Reform, Women and the DREAM Act”
- April-May 2021: Louisiana District Attorneys Association 3-Part Webinar Series
- Asian Pacific Institute on Gender-Based Violence Webinar: ” Immigrant Crime Victims Legal Rights and Best Practices for Serving Immigrant Victims” (August 24, 2022)
- Aug. 14-16, 2018: Biloxi, MS “Immigrant Survivors Legal Rights” and “Best Practices for Law Enforcement and Prosecutors”
- Aug. 2, 2018: “Protecting Immigrant Children: U Visas, SIJS and Other Legal Options” (Webinar)
- Aug. 29-30, 2018: Denver, CO “Law Enforcement and Prosecution Best Practices: Immigrant Crime Victims, Language Access and the U Visa”
- Aug. 9-10, 2018: San Diego, CA “Working with Immigrant Refugee Survivors”
- August 13, 2020: “Immigrant Survivors in Family Law and Immigration Cases: A Webinar for Attorneys” (Webinar)
- August 16, 2013: Lanham, MD “VAWA Immigration Protections, Immigration Enforcement, and Language Access”
- August 20, 2013: Wichita, KS “Holistic Representation and Advocacy Services for Immigrant Survivors of Sexual and Domestic Violence”
- August 2016: Materials for 2016 IVAT Conference
- August 2018: Train the Trainer “Law Enforcement and Prosecution Best Practices: Immigrant Crime Victims, Language Access and the U and T Visa”
- August 2023 – NIWAP Boston Conference PowerPoint Presentations
- August 2023 – Plenary I – Investigating and Prosecuting Stalking Cases Involving Immigrant Victims
- August 2023 – Plenary II – Improving Access to Justice Through Language Access for Immigrant Victims
- August 2023 – Plenary III – Improving Safety for Communities, Officers and Immigrant Survivors: Focusing on Primary Aggressor Determinations
- August 2023 – Plenary IV – The Why and How of Relationship Building Among Law Enforcement, Prosecutors, Courts, and Immigrant Victim’s Advocates
- August 2023 – Workshop 1A – Police Officers as Witnesses in Domestic Violence Prosecutions and Family Court Litigation
- August 2023 – Workshop 1B – Protecting Immigrant Survivors and Their Children: Identifying the Best Immigration Options for Your Client
- August 2023 – Workshop 1C – Representing Immigrant and LEP Litigants in Custody Cases: Advanced Custody
- August 2023 – Workshop 2A – Offender-Focused Prosecutions and Criminal Investigations in Cases of Immigrant Victims of Domestic and Sexual Violence
- August 2023 – Workshop 2B – Improving Access to the Public Benefits Safety Net and Victims of Crime Act Compensation for Immigrant Survivors
- August 2023 – Workshop 2C – Identifying, Safety Planning and Litigating Stalking in Family Law Cases
- August 2023 – Workshop 3A – Collaborative Approaches and Effective Outreach Strategies for Serving Immigrant and Limited English Proficient (LEP) Victims
- August 2023 – Workshop 3B – VAWA Confidentiality’s Impact on Discovery in Family and Criminal Court Cases
- August 2023 – Workshop 3C – Advanced Immigration Law Issues in Cases Involving Immigrant Survivors
- August 2023 – Workshop 4A – Interviewing Survivors: Trauma-Informed Techniques
- August 2023 – Workshop 4B – Electronic Evidence in Domestic Violence Criminal Investigations and Prosecutions and in Family Court Domestic Violence Cases
- August 2023 – Workshop 4C – U Visa Helpfulness and Certification
- August 2024 – Reno, Nevada – Enhancing Victim Safety (Two-Part Webinar Series) with the Nevada Coalition to END Domestic and Sexual Violence
- August 21, 2018: “Impact of DHS Enforcement Priorities on Courts: VAWA Confidentiality and Enforcement” (Webinar)
- August 24, 2021: “Legal Rights of Immigrant Survivors: Immigration Relief, Public Benefits, and Protection Orders” (Webinar)
- August 25, 2020: “Addressing Issues That Arise in Family and Criminal Court Cases Involving Immigrant Survivors in the District of Columbia” (Webinar)
- August 28-29 & August 30-31, 2023 Boston, MA-Strengthening Community and Organizational Responses: Serving Immigrant Victims of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Stalking
- August 3, 2018: Minneapolis, MN: “Law Enforcement and Prosecution Best Practices: Immigrant Crime Victims, Language Access, and the U Visa”
- August 3, 2019: Virginia Beach, VA “Immigrant Victim and Witnesses: U-Visas, T-Visa, VAWA Self-Petitions — Ethics, Timing, Discovery, and Confidentiality”
- August 6-7, 2014: New Orleans, LA “Conference on Creative Solutions to Strengthen Advocacy Options and Healing for Survivors”
- August 6, 2018, Morrow, GA – “Law Enforcement and Prosecution Best Practices: Immigrant Crime Victims, Language Access and the U and T Visa”
- August 6, 2018: Morrow, GA “Law Enforcement and Prosecution Best Practice: Immigrant Crime Victims, Language Access and the U and T Visa”
- August 7, 2019: Naples, FL “Immigration Issues in Family Court” Annual Education Program of the Florida Conference of Circuit Judges
- August 8, 2014: New Orleans, LA
- Benefits Map
- Best Practices for Serving Immigrant Victims: Access to Public Benefits and Services in Virginia
- Conference Materials Hub
- Conference on Crimes Against Women (CCAW) Dallas, Texas (May 22-25, 2023)
- Dec. 13, 2023 – Annapolis, Maryland – U and T Visas for Immigrant Victims of Crime and Trafficking: Best Practices in Responding to, Investigating and Prosecuting Cases Involving Immigrant Crime Victims-including Cases of Domestic and Sexual Violence
- December 1, 2010: Sioux Falls, SD
- December 1, 2014: “Educational Equity Beyond Access: Institutional Support for DACAmented and Undocumented Students” (Webinar)
- December 1, 2014: “Expert Advice for Judges: How to Handle U Visa Certification and T Visa Endorsement Requests” (Webinar)
- December 11, 2023 -Webinar: Improving Language Access for Immigrant Crime Victims in Maryland
- December 12-16, 2016: New Orleans, LA: “OVW Grantee Training: Addressing Culture: Systemic Responses to Underserved Immigrant Populations”
- December 14, 2020: Domestic and Sexual Violence Victims and the U Visa: Law Enforcement Best Practices Technical Assistance Overview- ICJR Orientation (Webinar)
- December 15, 2017: Las Vegas, Nevada “Protection of Immigrant Crime Victims and Children: State Court’s Role “
- December 2, 2021 -NCJFCJ Legal Rights of Immigrant Child Commercial Sex Trafficking Survivors: Public Benefits, Housing, & Victim Services
- December 2021 – NCJFCJ Two Part Webinar Series: Immigrant Children Who Are Survivors of Trafficking
- December 4, 2014: Rehoboth, DE “State Courts and the Protection of Immigrant Crime Victims and Children”
- December 6,2021: PIRC and PCADV “Housing Rights for Immigrant Survivors” (Webinar)
- December 7, 2010: Washington, DC “Legal Rights of Immigrant Victims of Family Violence: What You Need to Know Today to Help Victims and Their Children: Arrest Grantee Orientation”
- December 7, 2023 – Harrisburg, Pennsylvania – Immigration Protections for Children: Special Immigrant Juvenile Status and Help for Trafficking Victims (Webinar)
- December 8, 2015: York, PA “Overview of Federal and State Public Benefits: Access For Immigrant Survivors and Their Children”
- Derechos legales de la mujer (9 de agosto de 2022)
- Enhancing Responses to Domestic Violence: Trauma and Its Impact on Testimony (August 11, 2023)
- February 10, 2011: “An Introduction to Law Enforcement Use of the U-Visa” (Webinar)
- February 11, 2013: SPSSI Congressional Briefing
- February 11, 2015: Miami, FL “U Visa and Crime Scene Language Access Best Practices”
- February 14, 2017: National Council of Juvenile Family Court Judges 2017 National Conference on Juvenile Justice
- February 15, 2013: “Lessons Learned from Law Enforcement: How Collaborations That Result in U Visa Certifications Support Safer Communities” (Webinar)
- February 16, 2016: Washington, DC “History of Legislative Advocacy: VAWA’s Immigration Protections & Next Horizons”
- February 18, 2015: “Battered Women’s Justice Project (BWJP) Immigrant Crime Visas: Law Enforcement’s Tool to Strengthen Community Policing” (Webinar)
- February 20, 2014: “Obtaining U Visa Certification from Judges in Protection Order, Family, Criminal, and Other State Court Proceedings” (Webinar)
- February 20, 2018: Atlanta, GA “Safety and Protection: Focus on Immigrant Crime Victims”
- February 20, 2020: “THE U VISA AS A CRIME-FIGHTING TOOL: How Certification Improves Domestic and Sexual Violence Investigations and Prosecutions” (Webinar)
- February 22, 2017: Immigrant Access to Federally Assisted Housing (Webinar and Materials)
- February 24, 2014: “Helping Survivors in Crisis: Hands On Training for Advocates and Attorneys on Trauma-Informed Work with Immigrant Women Who Are Survivors of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault” (Webinar)
- February 24, 2017: “Enhanced Safety Planning for Immigrant Survivors of Domestic and Sexual Violence” (Webinar)
- February 26, 2018: “Law Enforcement Working with Victims of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault in Rural Communities: Part I U and T Visa Certification” (Webinar)
- February 27, 2011: Media, PA “Building Law Enforcement Capacity to Serve Immigrant Victims: U-Visa Certification Training”
- February 5, 2015: “VAWA Confidentiality: Understanding the Three Safeguards and Limited Discovery Exceptions When Advocating for Survivors in Family and Criminal State Courts” (Webinar)
- February 5, 2021: Addressing Domestic Violence: Trauma-Informed Practice in a Remote Service Context
- February 6, 2020: “In Accordance with the Law: When Your Victim or Witness Speaks Limited English” (Webinar)
- February 7, 2016: National Sheriffs Association Washington, DC
- Giving Tuesday 2021
- Honolulu, Hawaii May 2024 Training Materials
- IAFN SAFE webinar
- ICJR “How NIWAP’s Training and Technical Assistance Can Support Your Work with Immigrant Crime Victim Survivors” (Dec. 07, 2022)
- Jan. 30, 2019: Orlando, FL “OVW Improving Criminal Justice Responses Grant Program Orientation”
- January 10-2022 – Representing Workers at the Intersections of Immigration and Sex Harassment
- January 12, 2018: Miami, FL “Promoting Just Outcomes When Immigration Issues Arise In State Court Proceedings”
- January 16-18, 2018: Washington, DC “Rural Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence and Stalking Assistance Grant Program” and “Legal Assistance for Victims” FY2017 Grantee Orientation
- January 30, 2020: “Best Practices and Tools That Build the Capacity of Adult Protective Services to Serve Immigrant Domestic and Sexual Violence Victims” (Webinar)
- January 31, 2014: “State Courts and the Protection of Immigrant Crime Victims and Children Training” (Webinar)
- January 31, 2018: “Support Your Work With Immigrant Survivors with NIWAP”s Technical Assistance and Project” (Webinar)
- Judiciary of Hawaii and Center for Justice Innovation Webinar: Immigration Issues in Family Court (January 12, 2024)
- July 10, 2017: Madison, WI “Best Practices: Immigrant Crime Victims, Language Access and the U and T Visa”
- July 11, 2012: St. Paul, MN “National Call to Action: Institute and Conference” for the Women of Color Network”
- July 12, 2010: Barriers to Success in U Visas For Immigrant Victims Portsmouth, New Hampshire
- July 13, 2015: “State Court Findings for Abused Youth Seeking Special Immigrant Juvenile Status” (Webinar)
- July 15-16, 2019: Columbia, MO “Legal Protections and Help for Immigrant Survivors of Domestic and Sexual Violence and Their Children: The Central Role of Advocates and Attorneys”
- July 17, 2011: Alexandria, VA “Building Law Enforcement Capacity to Serve Immigrant Victims”
- July 17, 2017: Washington, D.C. “Unaccompanied Minors and Immigration”
- July 17, 2023 Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota – U and T Visas for Immigrant Victims of Crime and Trafficking: Best Practices in Responding to, Investigating and Prosecuting Cases Involving Immigrant Crime Victims — including Cases of Domestic and Sexual Violence
- July 18, 2011: “Law Enforcement Use of the U Visa” (Podcast)
- July 18, 2011: Washington, DC “Fighting Trafficking in Persons and Violence Against Women”
- July 18, 2017: Washington, D.C. “National Alliance to End Homelessness Conference Workshop: A Shifting Landscape: Undocumented and Documented Immigrants”
- July 19, 2021: New Mexico’s Twelfth Judicial District Attorney’s Office
- July 20, 2021: “Best Practices to Support Immigrant Victims, and Increase Participation in the Criminal Justice System”
- July 21, 2020: “What Family and Child Welfare Judges Need to Know: Legal Options for Immigrant Adult, Teen and Child Victims of Domestic and Sexual Violence” (Webinar)
- July 23, 2018: Denver, CO: “Special Immigrant Juvenile Status: Latest Tips, Tools, Bench Book, and Best Practices for Judges”
- July 24, 2017 – California Rural Legal Assistance Training: “Immigrant Access to Federally Assisted Housing”
- July 28, 2021: VAWA Unit Vermont Service Center Training
- July 29, 2015: New Orleans, LA “Community of Responders: A Holistic Approach to Immigrant Survivors of Abuse”
- July 30, 2019: Orlando, FL NCJFCJ 82nd Annual Conference “State Court Cases Involving Immigrant Crime Victims and Immigrant Children: Custody, Discovery and U Visa Certification By Judges”
- July 30, 2020: “Best Practices for Screening and Serving Immigrant Victims of Crime: A Webinar for Victim Advocates” (Webinar)
- July 31, 2012: Denver, CO “Helping Immigrant Survivors: Options and Challenges in an Age of Immigration Enforcement”
- July 8, 2016: Washington, DC “Barriers to Accessing Services: Trauma Informed Approach to Serving Survivors of Domestic Abuse”
- July 8, 2020: Q& A with the Victim Rights Law Center “Best Practices for Working with Immigrant Survivors of Sexual Assault”
- July 9, 2019: “What Courts Want to Know, What Role Can Courts Play Regarding Detained Immigrant Children and Parents” (Webinar)
- July 9, 2020: “Domestic Violence and Housing Technical Assistance Consortium COVID-19, Housing, Health Care, Benefits and Victims”
- June 13, 2017 “Immigration: Creating a Culture of Social Equity for Immigrant Women and Children”
- June 14, 2013: DHS Blue Campaign Trafficking PSA “Crash”
- June 15, 2018: Wilmington, DE “2018 DSBA Bench and Bar Conference Workshop: Best Practices In State Court Cases: Special Immigrant Juvenile Status”
- June 17, 2021: “The U and T Visa: A Tool to Support Victims, Communities, and Increase Participation in the Criminal Justice System” (Webinar)
- June 20, 2017 “Enhancing Safety for Immigrant Survivors: Legal Rights to Immigration, Public Benefits and Family Law Protections”
- June 20, 2019: “Part 3: Legal Protections When Child Victims Are Immigrants: The Judge’s Role” (Webinar)
- June 2022 Recordings – Two Part Series April 13, 2022 Webinar: Understanding Helpfulness for U Visa Certification and the Ongoing Assistance Requirement
- June 22, 2012: Richmond, VA “Protection Order Conference”
- June 22, 2017 “Enhancing Safety for Immigrant Survivors: Immigration Relief, Custody, Public Benefits and Family Law Protections” Providence RI
- June 24, 2019: St. Paul, MN “Law Enforcement & Prosecution Best Practices: Immigrant Domestic and Sexual Violence Victims, Language Access and the U and T Visa”
- June 25, 2016: Minneapolis, MN “Nuts and Bolts of U Visa for Undocumented Victims of Crime: A Case Study”
- June 26, 2013: Providence, RI “Serving Immigrant Victims of Sexual Assault: Best Practices”
- June 27, 2018: “VAWA Confidentiality and Protections for Rural Immigrant Victims of Domestic Violence with Praxis” (Webinar)
- June 28, 2011: Las Vegas, NV
- June 28, 2012: Worcester, MA “Advocacy for Immigrant Survivors in an Age of Immigration Enforcement” and “New Department of Homeland Security Policies and Immigrant Victims: From Secure Communities to the DHS Role in Victim Protection”
- June 3, 2011: Spokane, Washington “Building Law Enforcement Capacity to Serve Immigrant Victims”
- June 5, 2018: Sandestin, FL “What State Courts Need to Know About Immigration and Why: Human Trafficking and Family Violence”
- June 5, 2019: Portland, Oregon “Access to Justice for All Victims: Language Access and Meaningful Collaborations”
- June 6-7, 2018: Albuquerque, NM “New Mexico Judicial Conclave” Workshops on SIJS, U visas and Issues that Arise in Family Court Cases Involving Immigrant Children and Crime Victims
- June 9-10, 2011: Atlanta, GA “Training for Immigration Lawyers: The Legal Rights of Immigrant Victims of Family Violence” and “The Legal Rights of Immigrant Victims of Family Violence: What You Need to Know Today to Help Victims and Their Children”
- Know Your Rights Seminar for Afghan Women in the U.S. (March 29, 2022) and Question and Answer with Experts Session (May 6, 2022)
- Lake County, IL: “What’s Immigration Got To Do With It? Prosecuting Cases Involving Immigrant Victims of Crime” (June 8, 2022)
- LAV Grantee Orientation “Legal Options for Immigrant Survivors of Domestic and Sexual Violence: How NIWAP’s and ASISTA’s Technical Assistance Can Support Your Work LAV Grantee Orientation” (Dec. 08, 2022)
- Law Enforcement and Prosecutor Roundtables
- Law Enforcement and Prosecutor Roundtables Materials Repository
- Lebanon, NH – Law Enforcement Best Practices: Responding to, Investigating and Prosecuting Cases of Noncitizen Victims of Domestic and Sexual – September 27, 2022
- March – August 2022 Serving Immigrant Survivors Best Practices Webinar and Office Hours Series
- March 11, 2011: Laguna Beach, CA “Immigration Law Protections for Immigrant Victims of Violence Against Women Act: The Intersection with Family Courts and Child Custody”
- March 15, 2011: San Antonio, TX “Building Law Enforcement Capacity to Serve Immigrant Victims”
- March 15, 2017: Honolulu, HI “Building a Safety Net for Immigrant Victims: Eligibility for Public Benefits, Housing, Confidentiality and More”
- March 15, 2019: “Judicial Training Network” Orlando, FL
- March 17, 2016: Albuquerque, NM “Keynote:Best Practices and Collaborations That Promote Safety for Immigrant Crime Victims” and “Workshop: Immigrant Survivors Legal Rights, Options and Opportunities Under Family Law and Public Benefits Laws”
- March 17, 2017: Honolulu, HI “Best Practices: Immigrant Crime Victims, Language Access and the U and T Visa”
- March 18-19, 2019: Las Vegas, NV ”National Conference of Juvenile and Family Court Judges Annual Conference” (SJI and Judicial Training Network)
- March 19, 2014: “Trauma-Informed Care, Part 2: The Nuts and Bolts of Immigration Story Writing Intervention” (Webinar)
- March 19, 2018: San Diego, CA “National Conference of Juvenile and Family Court Judges Juvenile Justice Conference”
- March 2, 2018: Boston, MA “Legal Protections against Deportation and Removal of Immigrant Crime Victims”
- March 20, 2018: “Law Enforcement Working with Victims of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault in Rural Communities: Part II Improving Language Access” (Webinar)
- March 23, 2021: “Expanding the Toolbox for Children in Immigrant Families: Tips and Tools for Child Welfare and Children’s Courts” (Webinar)
- March 23, 2021: “In Accordance with the Law: When Your Victim or Witness Speaks Limited English” (Webinar)
- March 25, 2015: Sykesville, MD “The Use of the T Visa and U Visa to Improve Law Enforcement’s Work with Immigrant Victims. Training for law enforcement, prosecutors, and other U visa certifiers”
- March 26-27, 2018: Portland, OR “Best Practices: Immigrant Crime Victims, Language Access, and the U & T Visa
- March 26, 2011: Crystal City, VA “Health Care Reform: What Women Got, What Women Want and What Women Need”
- March 28, 2011: Washington, DC “Effect of Anti-Immigrant Legislation and Times on Immigrant Women and Immigrant Victims of Violence Against Women”
- March 29,2017: Maryland State Bar Association Conference Family Law University Seminar
- March 30-31, 2016: Akron & Youngstown, OH “Expanding Legal Representation of Immigrant Survivors in Immigration and Family Law”
- March 7, 2017: Albuquerque, NM “Advocacy in Action 2017: Promoting Immigrant Victim and Detective Safety Through Best Practices: Language Access and Crime Victims Visas”
- March 9, 2018: “An Overview of U.S. Immigration Law” Judicial Training Network (Webinar)
- March/April 2022 Webinar Series Part I: Best Practices to Support Immigrant Victims and Increase Participation in the Criminal Justice System (March 31, 2022) & Part II: Legal Rights of Immigrant Survivors: Immigration Relief and Public Benefits (April 28, 2022) Middlesex County, NJ
- Maryland Judicial College: Immigration Today: SIJS, VAWA, T Visas and U Visas 
- Maryland Judicial College: When Federal Immigration Law and State Family Laws Intersect: The Impact of Immigration Laws on State Family Court Proceedings (August 16, 2022)
- May 11-12, 2017: “2017 Crime Victim Law Conference Plenary” Seattle Washington
- May 11, 2018: Chicago, IL “3rd Annual Modern-Day American Worker Conference Panel: Gender, Work, and Immigration Status: Immigration Relief for Labor-Based Crimes and Human Trafficking”
- May 11, 2018: Gender, Work, and Immigration Status: Immigration Relief for Labor-Based Crimes and Human Trafficking
- May 12, 2017: California Immigration Legal Assistance Project (CILAP) Training
- May 14, 2018: New Orleans, LA “Voices from the Margins: Immigrant Advocacy” WOCN State STOP Administrators and Coalitions Conference
- May 14, 2019: “Part 2: Special Immigrant Juvenile Status – Best Practices of Drafting Findings” (Webinar)
- May 2021 Conference on Crimes Against Women “Legal Rights of Domestic and Sexual Violence Survivors: Victim Services, Public Benefits, and Housing”
- May 2021 Conference on Crimes Against Women “The U Visa: A Tool to Support Victims, Communities, and Increase Participation in the Criminal Justice System”
- May 26, 2015: Washington, DC “Helping Immigrant Survivors of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault: Options and Challenges in Seeking Relief”
- May 6, 2016: “Advocates’ Introduction to Gender-Based Asylum for Survivors of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault” (Webinar)
- May 6, 2021: “Achieving Equal Justice for Immigrant Victims of Domestic Violence in Family Courts” (Webinar)
- May 7, 2020: “Auto-Petición VAWA: Protección para inmigrantes sobrevivientes de maltrato por parte de sus familiares que son ciudadanos o residentes permanentes” (Seminario Web)
- National District Attorneys Association (NDAA) National Multidisciplinary Conference on Domestic Violence: Breaking the Cycle of Violence (October 24-28, 2022)
- National Immigrant Women’s Advocacy Project Conference
- National Judicial Network & HHS’ Office on Trafficking in Persons (OTIP) 2023 Sessions
- National Judicial Network Peer-to-Peer Forum – HHS’ Office on Trafficking in Persons (OTIP) Answers Questions on Identifying and Reporting Child Trafficking Victims (May 2, 2023)
- National Judicial Network Peer-to-Peer Forum – Let’s Put Science First: Assessing Predatory Helpfulness and Coercive Control to More Accurately Understand Domestic Abuse and Sex Trafficking (April 4, 2023)
- National Judicial Network Peer-to-Peer Forum – What Judges Need to Know: Adoption of Foreign-Born Children (June 6, 2023)
- National Judicial Network Peer-to-Peer Forum (November 7, 2023): Encountering Immigrant Child Trafficking Victims in Court: The Court’s Role & Tips, Tools, and Steps Courts Can Take
- National Judicial Network Peer-to-Peer Forum (September 12, 2023): Using Public Benefits Map & Charts to Improve State Court Orders in Crime Victim Cases
- National Judicial Network Peer-to-Peer Session – Ensuring Judicial Safety: Strategies to Protect Judges and Court Staff (February 6, 2024)
- National Judicial Network Peer-to-Peer Session – What Any Court Can Do: Your Role When You Encounter Victims of Human Trafficking (May 7, 2024)
- National Judicial Network Peer-to-Peer Session – What Judges Need to Know About the New T-Visa Regulations (June 11, 2024)
- National Judicial Network Peer-to-Peer Session – You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know: Surprising Information Every Family Court Judge Needs to Know About Immigration Law (March 5, 2024)
- National Judicial Network Webinar – Getting it Right: Adoptions and Immigration Relief for Foreign-Born Children (January 23, 2024)
- National Judicial Network Webinar – Protecting Against Vicarious Trauma: Tools and Strategies for Providers Working with Survivors of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, and Trafficking (January 31, 2023)
- National Judicial Network Webinar – Trafficking of Native Youth, Children, and Adults: Promising Practices and Response Strategies (July 16, 2024)
- National Judicial Network Webinar – Effective Protection Orders for Immigrant Survivors (August 17, 2023)
- National Judicial Network Webinar (December 8, 2023) – Let’s Put Science First: Assessing Predatory Helpfulness and Coercive Control to More Accurately Understand Domestic Abuse and Sex Trafficking
- National Judicial Network Webinar (October 10, 2023) – Identifying Human Trafficking in Domestic Violence Relationships: How OTIP Letters and Certifications Can Enhance Access to Public Benefits and Services for Survivors of Trafficking and Their Children
- National Judicial Network: Immigrant Victims of Human Trafficking, Identification, Immigration Relief, and the Court’s Role – Presentation at the NCJFCJ Juvenile Justice Conference Pittsburgh (March 14, 2022)
- Naturalization of VAWA, SIJS, U and T Visa Recipient Survivors: TTA from USCIS and NIWAP (September 23, 2022)
- NCJFCJ Annual Conference Workshop: Afghan Refugees Experiencing Domestic and Sexual Violence: What Courts Need to Know and Judicial Leadership Opportunities (July 19, 2022) National Judicial Network Peer-to-Peer Forum Afghan Refugees – What Courts Need to Know and the Role Judges Can Play (March 1st, 2022)
- NCJFCJ Conference on Juvenile Justice (Cleveland, OH) – Special Immigrant Juvenile Status Cases: Policy Updates and Considerations for Juvenile and Family Court Judges presented with USCIS (March 18, 2024)
- New Mexico DV Commissioner/Hearing Officer Seminar: Special Issues in Family/Children’s Court for Immigrant Domestic & Sexual Violence Victims (November 4, 2022)
- NIWAP Brochure
- NIWAP Staff, Faculty, Collaborative Partners, and Board
- Nov. 22, 2019: Language Access Requirements and Effective Strategies to Remove Barriers for Limited English Proficient (LEP) Survivors (Webinar)
- Nov. 30, 2018: U Visa Certifications and Special Immigrant Juvenile Status: The Judge’s Role (Webinar)
- November 10, 2021: “Enhancing Safety Planning and Immigrant Survivors’ Access to Immigration Relief and Public Benefits and Services in West Virginia” (Webinar) AND December 8, 2021: “Immigrant Survivors and Their Children: Assisting Survivors With Immigration Case Filings and Addressing Issues That Arise in Family Court Cases” (Webinar)
- November 14-15, 2012: OVW Grantee Training Atlanta, GA
- November 15, 2013: “Researcher/Practitioner Collaboration: Strategies for Successful Implementation” (Webinar)
- November 15, 2018: “Custody for Abused Immigrants: Tips, Tools and Best Practices” (Webinar)
- November 19, 2019: New Orleans, LA “Domestic and Sexual Violence Victims and the U Visa: Law Enforcement Best Practices Technical Assistance Overview
- November 19, 2020: Refugees and Migrants: International Virtual Summit Domestic/Family Violence in the COVID-19 Era”
- November 2, 2017: Protection Of Immigrant Crime Victims and Children Trainings for Judges and for Police, Prosecutors and Court Advocates – Peoria, IL (11/2/17)
- November 20, 2014: Salt Lake City, UT “State Courts and the Protection of Immigrant Crime Victims and Children”
- November 21, 2019: In Accordance with the Law: When Your Victim Witness Speaks Limited English (Webinar)
- November 21, 2019: Washington State “U Visa Certification By Judges: Legislative/Regulatory History and Judicial Ethics” (Webinar)
- November 23, 2015: “ABC’s of Language Access Advocacy” (Webinar)
- November 29-20, 2013: Jacksonville, FL “Responding to Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault: Promising Practices and Collaborations for Police and Prosecutors”
- November 3, 2014: “And Legal Services for All: New 2014 Legal Services Corporation Regulations Implementing VAWA 2005’s” (Webinar)
- November 3, 2017: Rockford, IL “What do State Courts Need to Know about Immigration and Why: Human Trafficking and Family Violence”
- November 5, 2012: “Improving Outcomes for Immigrant Survivors Involved in Custody Disputes by Beginning the Process of Applying for VAWA and U-Visa” (Webinar)
- November 5, 2014: Intersection of Immigration Law in State Court Proceedings (Webinar)
- November 6,2019: Washington, D.C. Yale Alumni Nonprofit Alliance Panel “25th Anniversary of the Violence Against Women Act”
- November 8, 2017: “Legal Protections and Forensic Considerations for Immigrant and Refugee Child Victims” (Webinar)
- November 8, 2023 Annapolis, Maryland “Strengthening Community and Organizational Responses: Obtaining U and T Visa Certification for Immigrant Victims of Crime and Trafficking”
- November 9, 2020: “Helping Victims of Human Trafficking Courts Encounter in Juvenile Dependency, Child Welfare and Other Family Court Proceedings” (Webinar)
- November and December 2020: Wilmington University Human Trafficking Awareness Webinars and February 2021 Human Trafficking Summit
- Oct. 12, 2018: Washington, DC “Immigration – Domestic Violence Effects on Victims and Perpetrators” D.C. Superior Court
- Oct. 20, 2018: Arlington, VA “U Visa and Special Immigrant Juvenile Status Impact on Civil Cases”
- Oct. 23, 2018: “Trauma-Informed Webinar Series: Trauma-Informed Legal Advocacy” (Webinar)
- Oct. 26, 2018: Jackson MS “Mississippi Trial and Appellate Judges Conference (Judicial Training Network)”
- Oct. 28, 2015: DuPage County, IL “Best Practices That Promote Safety and Holistic Assistance for Immigrant and Refugee Survivors”
- October 1-4, 2012: “Building Legal Protections for Immigrant Survivors: Past, Present and Future” (Webinar)
- October 11, 2010: Los Angeles, CA “Freedom from Fear: Helping Undocumented Victims of Domestic Violence”
- October 13, 2010: Los Angeles, CA “Violence Against Women Act: Current Protections and Future Possibilities for Immigrant Survivors of Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence”
- October 14, 2010: Long Beach, CA “Policies and Practices that Enhance the Legal Rights of Immigrant Domestic Violence Victims”
- October 14, 2022 Webinar: What Judges, Attorneys, and Prosecutors Need to Know About How VAWA Confidentiality Impacts Discovery In Cases Involving Immigrant Survivors
- October 2-3, 2019: Kansas City & Columbia, MO “Multi-Disciplinary Best Practices: Immigrant Domestic & Sexual Violence Victims, Language Access and the U and T Visas”
- October 20, 2020: “The U Visa As A Crime-Fighting Tool: How Certification Improves Domestic and Sexual Violence Investigations and Prosecutions” (Webinar)
- October 2018 – Webinar Series hosted by Casa de Esperanza: Topics include Immigrant Domestic and Sexual Assault Survivors
- October 27, 2023 Fort Myers-Sanibel, Florida “Special Immigration Issues in Family Court”
- October 28, 2010: Indianapolis, IN “Culture and Compassion Conference”
- October 29, 2020: “Enhancing Safety Planning and Immigrant Survivors’ Access to Public Benefits and Services in Prince George’s County Through A Trauma-Informed Approach” (Webinar)
- October 3, 2014: “Shining the Light on Gender-Based Violence at Home and Abroad: Government Responses to Combatting Gender Based Violence in the United States” (Webinar)
- October 30, 2013: “Trauma-Informed Care: Promoting Healing While Strengthening Survivors’ Immigration Cases” (Webinar)
- October 30, 2019: “Case Law on VAWA Confidentiality and Disclosure”
- October 31, 2017: “VAWA Confidentiality and Protections for Immigrant Victims of Domestic Violence” (Webinar)
- October 4, 2018: Plymouth, MI “VAWA Confidentiality & the Courts” and “Economic Relief & Public Benefits Under VAWA” at the Family Division Summit
- October 5, 2011: “Law Enforcement and Advocates Partnering to Better Serve Immigrant Crime Victims” (Webinar)
- October 5, 2020: “Challenges with Immigration Issues for Victims of Domestic Violence” (Webinar)
- October 7, 2016 – 2016 Kellogg Fellows Leadership Alliance Conference Materials
- October 8, 2021 – The U Visa: A Tool to Support Victims, Communities, and Increase Participation in the Criminal Justice System (NCVC Training)
- October 9, 2020: Missouri “MCADSV Immigrant and Refugee Services Roundtable” (IRSR)
- Peer-to-Peer Opportunities: Communities of Practices and Roundtable
- *Family Law Community of Practice