20 Digital Strategist Interview Questions and Answers


Common Digital Strategist interview questions, how to answer them, and sample answers from a certified career coach.

Published Apr 1, 2023

Are you preparing for a digital strategist interview? Congratulations! This is an exciting time and opportunity.

But before the big day, it’s important to do some preparation so you can ace your questions and show off your skills as a digital strategist. To help you get ready, we’ve put together this list of common digital strategist interview questions—along with advice on how to answer them.

Common Digital Strategist Interview Questions

1. What strategies do you use to develop a digital marketing plan?

This question is a way for the interviewer to get a sense of your process for creating a digital marketing plan. It’s important for the interviewer to understand what steps you take when developing a strategy for a client or business. How do you research their target market? What metrics do you use to measure success? Do you consider other channels such as social media, email, or content marketing? Answering this question will give the interviewer a better understanding of your skills and how you would approach the role.

How to Answer:

Start by explaining your process for developing a digital marketing plan. Talk about the research you do to understand the target market, such as analyzing customer data and conducting competitor analysis. Explain how you use metrics to measure success, such as tracking website visits or measuring ROI. Finally, discuss other channels that you consider when creating a digital marketing plan, such as social media, email, content marketing, etc. Be sure to emphasize any experience you have with these channels and how it has helped you create successful strategies in the past.

Example: “When creating a digital marketing plan, I start by researching the target market and analyzing customer data to gain insights into their needs and preferences. I also conduct competitor analysis to understand how they are approaching their digital presence. From there, I create an integrated strategy that includes tactics such as SEO, social media, email campaigns, content marketing, etc. Additionally, I use metrics to measure success and track website visits, ROI, conversions, and other key performance indicators. My experience with these channels has enabled me to develop successful strategies for clients in the past, and I am confident that I can do the same for your company.”

2. How do you measure the success of your campaigns and initiatives?

Digital strategists are expected to track the success of campaigns and initiatives and make sure they are helping the organization reach its goals. By asking this question, the interviewer wants to know how well you understand the metrics that are important to the organization and how you use that data to inform your decisions. They want to understand your approach to analyzing data and how you use it to adjust your strategy and maximize results.

How to Answer:

You should be able to explain the metrics you use to measure success and how you use them. Explain which metrics are most important for each campaign or initiative, why they are important, and how you track them. Show that you understand what data is available, how to interpret it, and how to adjust your strategy accordingly. You should also be prepared to provide examples of successful campaigns or initiatives you have worked on in the past and how you used data to inform decisions and maximize results.

Example: “I measure the success of my campaigns and initiatives by setting clear goals and objectives at the beginning of each project. For example, if I’m running an SEO campaign, my goal might be to increase organic traffic to a website or improve its ranking on SERPs. To track progress, I regularly review analytics data in Google Analytics and other tools to monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) such as clicks, impressions, conversions, etc. By closely monitoring these metrics, I can determine whether the strategies I’ve implemented are working and make adjustments accordingly. Additionally, I also consider qualitative factors like user engagement and customer feedback to gauge the overall effectiveness of my campaigns.”

3. Describe your experience with SEO, SEM, and other digital marketing tactics.

Digital strategists are expected to be well-versed in a variety of digital marketing tactics and how to use them to reach their desired goals. This question helps the interviewer get a better understanding of your knowledge in this area and how you have applied it to past projects. It also allows them to assess how well you understand the value of digital marketing and how it can be used to support a business’s overall objectives.

How to Answer:

Start by discussing the digital marketing tactics you have used in the past and how they were applied to projects. For example, if you’ve worked on SEO campaigns, discuss the steps you took to improve a website’s ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs). If you’ve managed pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns, explain what strategies you implemented to maximize ROI and generate leads. You should also talk about any other digital marketing tactics you are familiar with, such as content marketing, email marketing, or social media advertising. Lastly, emphasize your ability to analyze data and adjust your strategy based on performance metrics.

Example: “I have developed and implemented successful SEO, SEM, and other digital marketing campaigns for a variety of clients. For example, I recently worked on an SEO campaign to improve a client’s website ranking on SERPs. I conducted keyword research and optimized the site content, metadata, and link structure. In terms of PPC, I managed multiple ad campaigns across different platforms and monitored performance metrics like click-through rate (CTR) and cost per acquisition (CPA). By analyzing data from these campaigns, I was able to identify trends and adjust my strategy accordingly. My experience also includes setting up email marketing campaigns and utilizing various social media channels for advertising purposes.”

4. Explain how you would go about creating an effective content strategy for a new website.

Digital strategists are responsible for creating plans that maximize the effectiveness of a company’s online presence. This question is designed to test a candidate’s understanding of the strategic approach to creating a content strategy, including the research and analysis involved in understanding the target audience, the goals of the site, and the best way to create content that meets those goals. It also tests the candidate’s ability to think creatively and come up with a comprehensive plan of action.

How to Answer:

Start by discussing the research and analysis you would do to understand the target audience, such as analyzing existing data from analytics tools or conducting surveys. Then explain how you would use this information to determine the goals of the website, such as increasing brand awareness, generating leads, or driving sales. Finally, discuss your strategy for creating content that meets these goals, including topics, formats, channels, and frequency. Be sure to emphasize your ability to think strategically and creatively when crafting a plan.

Example: “When creating a content strategy for a new website, I would begin by conducting comprehensive research and analysis of the target audience. This includes looking at existing data from analytics tools such as Google Analytics or Hotjar to understand user behavior and preferences, as well as conducting surveys to gain further insight into their needs and interests. With this information in hand, I would then determine the goals of the website—for example, increasing brand awareness, generating leads, or driving sales—and create a plan that meets these objectives. My content strategy might include topics relevant to the target audience, formats such as blog posts, videos, infographics, and podcasts, channels to distribute the content on (including social media), and an appropriate frequency for publishing.”

5. Are you familiar with A/B testing and other methods of optimizing user experiences?

Digital strategists must have an understanding of how users interact with digital products, including websites, mobile apps, and other digital platforms. The interviewer wants to know that you understand the importance of testing and optimizing the user experience, which can help a business or organization increase engagement, conversions, and other performance metrics.

How to Answer:

You should be able to speak confidently about your experience with A/B testing and other methods of optimizing user experiences. Explain what you have done in the past, such as setting up tests, analyzing results, making changes based on those results, and measuring success. You can also mention any tools or platforms you’ve used for this purpose, such as Google Analytics or Optimizely. Additionally, discuss how you use data to inform your decisions when it comes to user experience optimization.

Example: “I have a great deal of experience with A/B testing and other methods of optimizing user experiences. I’ve used Google Analytics, Optimizely, and Hotjar to set up tests, analyze results, make changes based on those results, and measure success. Additionally, I use data from these platforms to inform my decisions when it comes to UX optimization. For example, if I see that users are having difficulty navigating certain parts of the website, I can adjust design elements or add additional features to improve their overall experience.”

6. What is your experience with developing and managing social media accounts?

Digital strategists are expected to be highly knowledgeable in the areas of content creation and digital marketing. They must be able to analyze data and develop strategies that help companies reach their goals. This question is an opportunity for the interviewer to gauge your experience with social media accounts and understand how you’ve used them in the past to help businesses grow and reach their target audiences.

How to Answer:

Start by talking about the social media accounts you’ve managed in the past. Talk about how you used those accounts to reach and engage with customers, as well as any successes or challenges you faced along the way. If you have experience using analytics tools to track performance, be sure to mention that too. Finally, talk about the strategies you developed for each account and how they helped businesses meet their goals.

Example: “I have extensive experience managing social media accounts for a variety of businesses. In my current role, I oversee the Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram accounts for a large retail chain. I’ve developed strategies to engage with customers on each platform, including creating content calendars, leveraging influencers, and utilizing analytics tools to track performance. My work has resulted in an increase in followers by 10% and a 20% boost in engagement over the past year. I also recently developed an Instagram strategy for a small business that helped them reach their target audience and grow their account from 0 to 1,000 followers in 3 months.”

7. How do you stay up-to-date on the latest trends in digital marketing?

Digital strategists are expected to have a deep knowledge of the ever-changing digital landscape. Companies want to know that you’re staying on top of the latest trends and technologies to ensure their strategies remain relevant and effective.

How to Answer:

You can demonstrate your commitment to staying up-to-date by talking about the various ways you stay informed. You should mention any subscriptions or newsletters you receive, conferences and events you attend, and digital marketing blogs/websites/publications that you read regularly. Also talk about how you use social media to stay on top of trends in digital marketing—which platforms do you follow? What topics are you interested in? And finally, don’t forget to mention any professional development courses or certifications you’ve taken!

Example: “I stay on top of the latest trends in digital marketing by using a variety of methods. I subscribe to several industry newsletters and read relevant blogs regularly. I also attend conferences, workshops, and webinars that focus on digital marketing topics. Additionally, I use social media platforms such as Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook to follow key influencers and keep up-to-date with new developments. Finally, I like to take online courses or pursue certifications from time to time to ensure my knowledge is current.”

8. What techniques do you use to identify target audiences and create relevant messaging?

Digital strategists are responsible for creating campaigns or content that will engage their target audiences and deliver results. This question is a chance for the interviewer to understand how you go about the process of creating these campaigns, from identifying an audience to creating messaging that resonates with them. It also shows that you have a comprehensive understanding of the digital marketing process.

How to Answer:

To answer this question, you should explain the steps you take to identify your target audience and create messaging that resonates with them. Begin by talking about how you use data and analytics to determine who the ideal customer is for a particular product or service. Then talk about how you use market research and surveys to gain further insights into their needs, wants, and preferences. Finally, discuss how you craft messages based on these findings in order to build relationships with potential customers.

Example: “I use a variety of techniques to identify target audiences and create relevant messaging. I begin with an analysis of data and analytics to determine the ideal customer for a particular product or service. I then use market research and surveys to gain further insights into their needs, wants, and preferences. From there, I craft messages that are tailored to the target audience, which helps to build relationships and encourage engagement. I also use A/B testing to optimize messaging and ensure that it resonates with the target audience.”

9. How do you ensure that all digital channels are working together to achieve the same goals?

Digital strategy is all about creating an integrated digital presence across multiple channels. You need to show you understand how to coordinate different tactics to make sure they’re all working together to achieve the same goal. This could include creating a cohesive social media strategy, leveraging email campaigns, and optimizing the user experience on your website.

How to Answer:

Start by talking about how you evaluate each channel to determine its effectiveness and whether it’s contributing to the overall goal. Then talk about how you use data-driven insights to inform your decisions on which channels to focus on, and how you optimize them for maximum impact. Finally, explain how you ensure that all of these components are working together in harmony—for example, by creating a single customer journey across multiple platforms or leveraging cross-channel campaigns.

Example: “To ensure all digital channels are working together to achieve the same goals, I first evaluate the effectiveness of each channel and use data-driven insights to inform my decisions on which channels to focus on. I then optimize each channel for maximum impact by leveraging cross-channel campaigns, creating a single customer journey across multiple platforms, and optimizing the user experience. By doing this, I’m able to ensure that all of the components are working together in harmony and contributing to the overall success of the digital strategy.”

10. What strategies do you use to track customer journeys across multiple platforms?

Digital strategists are responsible for creating and implementing plans for how to best utilize digital tools and platforms to reach a company’s goals. Tracking customer journeys across multiple platforms is a key part of this job, and the interviewer wants to know that you have a clear understanding of how to do this. They want to know you understand the different metrics used to track customer journeys, how to use analytics to inform strategy, and how to use customer data to improve customer experience.

How to Answer:

Start by describing the different metrics you use to track customer journeys, such as click-through rates, time on page, and purchase history. Then explain how you use analytics to inform your strategy, such as creating A/B tests or tracking user behavior across platforms. Finally, discuss how you use customer data to improve customer experience, such as using insights from customer surveys or feedback to create more personalized experiences.

Example: “I use several key metrics to track customer journeys across multiple platforms. These include click-through rates, time on page, and purchase history. I also use analytics to inform my strategy, such as A/B testing and tracking user behavior on each platform. Finally, I use customer data to improve customer experience. I look at customer surveys, feedback, and other sources of data to create more personalized experiences that meet customer needs and expectations.”

11. How do you handle budgeting for digital marketing campaigns?

Digital marketing is an ever-evolving field, and a digital strategist must be able to navigate the changing landscape in order to make decisions that will benefit the company. One of the key components of this is budgeting, as you must be able to assess the cost-effectiveness of digital marketing campaigns and ensure that the budget is being used in the most efficient way possible.

How to Answer:

To answer this question, you should be prepared to discuss how you go about budgeting for digital marketing campaigns. You might explain that you use a combination of historical data and industry benchmarks to determine the most effective budget allocation for each campaign. Additionally, you could mention that you also consider potential ROI when creating budgets, as well as other factors such as customer lifetime value and market trends.

Example: “When it comes to budgeting for digital marketing campaigns, I use a combination of historical data, industry benchmarks, and potential ROI to determine the most effective budget allocation. I also consider customer lifetime value and market trends to understand the potential impact of each campaign. I’m also familiar with a variety of budgeting tools, such as Excel and Google Sheets, that can help me easily track and adjust budgets as needed.”

12. What metrics do you use to evaluate the performance of digital campaigns?

This question tests your knowledge of the digital marketing landscape and your ability to track and measure success. It’s important for digital strategists to understand how to measure the ROI of their efforts and to be able to report on those findings in a meaningful way. Knowing the metrics you use to evaluate campaigns will show the interviewer that you’re up-to-date on industry best practices and that you’re able to make data-driven decisions.

How to Answer:

Start by mentioning the metrics you’ve used in the past to evaluate digital campaigns. This could include things like website traffic, leads generated, conversions, cost per click (CPC), return on ad spend (ROAS), or customer lifetime value (CLV). You can also talk about how you use analytics tools such as Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics, and other third-party platforms to track performance. Finally, be sure to mention any insights or optimizations that you have made based on your findings.

Example: “I’ve used a wide range of metrics to measure the success of digital campaigns, including website traffic, leads generated, conversions, cost per click (CPC), return on ad spend (ROAS), and customer lifetime value (CLV). I’m also very familiar with analytics tools such as Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics, and other third-party platforms. I’ve used this data to develop insights and optimizations to help improve the performance of campaigns. For example, I recently identified that our campaigns were not reaching the right audience and that our CPC was too high. I then implemented changes to the targeting and budget to improve the results.”

13. How do you approach data analysis when evaluating the effectiveness of digital campaigns?

Digital strategists are expected to have a deep understanding of the data that is collected from various digital campaigns, and they must be able to interpret and analyze that data to make informed decisions. Understanding the data is important for creating and executing effective campaigns, so this question is designed to gauge your knowledge on the subject.

How to Answer:

Start by talking about the data sources you use and how you collect it. Then, explain your process for analyzing the data. Talk about any specific tools or techniques you use to make sense of the data, as well as how you interpret the results to inform your strategy. Finally, discuss how you use the insights from the analysis to improve future campaigns.

Example: “I approach data analysis for digital campaigns by first collecting data from a variety of sources, such as website analytics, social media metrics, and customer surveys. I then use a combination of tools, such as Excel, Tableau, and Google Analytics, to analyze the data and identify meaningful patterns and trends. I also use qualitative methods, such as interviews and focus groups, to gain further insights into user behaviors. Once I have a clear understanding of the data, I use it to inform my digital strategy. I look for ways to optimize campaigns for better performance, as well as opportunities for growth. I also use data to track progress and measure the effectiveness of campaigns over time.”

14. What tools do you use to monitor online conversations and sentiment around a brand or product?

Digital strategists are often responsible for tracking the success of a company’s campaigns and initiatives online, and monitoring conversations and sentiment around a brand or product is a key part of the job. Interviewers will want to know that you have experience and knowledge in this area, and that you understand the importance of tracking customer feedback and opinions.

How to Answer:

You should be prepared to discuss the tools and platforms you use to track conversations and sentiment around a brand or product. Examples of these platforms include Google Analytics, Hootsuite, Sprout Social, Brandwatch, Meltwater, Mention, and Talkwalker. Be sure to explain how you use each platform and what type of data they provide. You can also talk about any custom dashboards or reports that you’ve created to monitor customer feedback and opinions.

Example: “I use a variety of tools to monitor conversations and sentiment around a brand or product. Google Analytics is a great resource for tracking website traffic and user behavior. Hootsuite is great for keeping tabs on social media conversations. I also use Sprout Social to track conversations and sentiment, as well as Brandwatch, Meltwater, Mention, and Talkwalker. These platforms provide me with invaluable insights into customer feedback and opinions, which I use to inform strategic decisions. I also create custom dashboards and reports to track customer sentiment over time.”

15. Do you have any experience with using automation software for digital marketing tasks?

Automation software can be a very powerful tool for digital strategists. It can help streamline and optimize marketing efforts, increase efficiency, and save time and resources. It’s important that you know how to use these tools and have experience in the field.

How to Answer:

If you have experience with automation software, explain the specifics of your experience and how it has helped you succeed in the past. If you don’t have any direct experience, focus on your ability to learn quickly and your willingness to dive into new technologies. Explain that you understand the importance of using automation software for digital marketing tasks and are eager to learn more about it.

Example: “I have some experience with automation software, specifically using it for email marketing campaigns. I’ve used it to segment customers and personalize emails, as well as automate delivery and track performance. I also have experience working with other automation software such as web analytics tools and social media scheduling platforms. I’m always eager to learn more and I’m confident that I can quickly become proficient in any new automation software that I may need to use in this role.”

16. How do you ensure that digital campaigns comply with industry regulations and standards?

Digital strategy is a relatively new field, so it’s important for a potential hire to show that they understand the compliance and regulatory issues that come with the job. It’s also important to demonstrate that you’re up to date on the latest industry trends and regulations. An interviewer wants to know that you can keep the company out of legal hot water and that you understand the importance of staying compliant.

How to Answer:

Start by discussing how you stay informed of the latest industry regulations and standards. Do you subscribe to any newsletters or publications? Are there any conferences or seminars that you attend regularly? Have you taken any courses on digital strategy compliance? Talk about how you use your knowledge of these regulations and standards when working on a campaign. Explain what steps you take to ensure that campaigns comply with industry regulations and standards, such as researching applicable laws, monitoring changes in the regulatory landscape, and staying up-to-date on best practices for compliance.

Example: “I stay informed of the latest industry regulations and standards by subscribing to digital strategy newsletters, attending webinars and conferences, and taking courses on the topic. When I’m working on a campaign, I make sure to research applicable laws, monitor changes in the regulatory landscape, and stay up-to-date on best practices for compliance. I also use tools like keyword research and competitive analysis to ensure that the campaigns I create align with industry standards. Finally, I always review the final product before launch to make sure that it meets industry regulations and standards.”

17. What strategies do you use to optimize websites for mobile devices?

Mobile optimization is one of the most important aspects of digital strategy today. It’s essential for companies to ensure that their websites are accessible and user-friendly on all devices. By asking you this question, the interviewer wants to know if you’re up-to-date on the latest techniques and technologies for optimizing websites for mobile devices.

How to Answer:

To answer this question, you should be prepared to discuss the strategies you use to ensure that websites are optimized for mobile devices. Some of the most common techniques include using responsive design, leveraging media queries, and optimizing images for different screen sizes. You should also mention any additional tools or technologies you’ve used in the past to optimize sites for mobile devices. Additionally, it would be beneficial to provide an example of how you implemented these strategies on a project.

Example: “When it comes to optimizing websites for mobile devices, I use a combination of responsive design, media queries, and image optimization. I also leverage tools like Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test to ensure that the sites I work on are optimized for mobile. For example, on a recent project I worked on, I used media queries to adjust the layout of the site based on the device size, and I optimized images to ensure that they were loading quickly on all devices. I also tested the site on multiple devices to make sure that it was functioning properly and that users had a positive experience.”

18. How do you integrate traditional marketing efforts into digital campaigns?

Digital strategists are expected to have a holistic understanding of how the digital space works, how digital campaigns can be used to reach a variety of audiences, and how traditional marketing efforts can be integrated into digital campaigns. This question allows the interviewer to understand your understanding of the digital landscape and how you use it to drive successful campaigns.

How to Answer:

Start by talking about the traditional marketing efforts you typically use, such as TV and radio ads, print advertising, direct mail campaigns, etc. Then explain how you integrate those into digital campaigns. For example, you could talk about using search engine optimization (SEO) to boost visibility for a direct mail campaign or leveraging social media to amplify the reach of a TV ad. You can also discuss how you track and measure the success of these integrated campaigns, such as measuring website traffic from a radio ad or tracking conversions from an email blast.

Example: “I understand that the digital landscape is ever-changing and that traditional marketing efforts can be integrated into digital campaigns to drive success. My approach is to start with the traditional efforts, such as radio ads, print advertising, and direct mail campaigns, and then use digital tools to amplify their reach. For example, I’ll use SEO to boost visibility for a direct mail campaign and leverage social media to increase the reach of a TV ad. I also track and measure the success of these integrated campaigns, such as measuring website traffic from a radio ad or tracking conversions from an email blast. This helps me identify areas for improvement and optimize campaigns for better results.”

19. What steps do you take to protect customer data when running digital campaigns?

Digital strategists are responsible for managing data-driven campaigns, which requires understanding the importance of customer data privacy and security. An interviewer wants to know that you’re aware of the potential risks associated with collecting customer data, and that you have a plan to protect it. They’ll want to hear examples of how you’ve implemented security and privacy protocols in the past to ensure customer data is secure.

How to Answer:

Start by talking about the data security protocols you have in place when running digital campaigns. This could include encrypting customer data, using secure servers to store it, and employing two-factor authentication for logins. You should also mention any compliance regulations you’ve followed, such as GDPR or CCPA. Finally, discuss how you ensure all team members are aware of these protocols, and how you regularly review them to make sure they’re up-to-date with industry standards.

Example: “I always prioritize data security and privacy when running digital campaigns. I ensure customer data is encrypted and stored on secure servers, and I use two-factor authentication for all logins. I also make sure that all team members are aware of the protocols I’ve put in place, and I regularly review them to ensure they’re up-to-date with industry standards, such as GDPR and CCPA. I also make sure to audit our campaigns to check for any potential security vulnerabilities.”

20. Describe a time when you had to pivot quickly due to changes in the digital landscape.

Digital strategists are expected to stay on top of the latest trends in technology and the digital landscape. They must be able to anticipate potential changes and prepare for them in advance. By asking this question, the interviewer is looking for evidence of your ability to think on your feet and pivot quickly when necessary.

How to Answer:

The best way to answer this question is to provide a specific example of how you had to pivot quickly due to changes in the digital landscape. Make sure to explain what the changes were, why they occurred, and how you responded. If possible, try to include details about how your response was successful and resulted in positive outcomes for your team or organization.

Example: “Recently, there was a major shift in the digital landscape due to the emergence of artificial intelligence and machine learning. This caused a huge disruption in the industry and forced us to rethink our digital strategy. I quickly identified the potential opportunities and risks associated with this new technology and proposed a new strategy that incorporated AI and machine learning into our existing digital offerings. We were able to pivot quickly and successfully implement this new strategy, resulting in an increase in web traffic and a higher conversion rate.”