Daycare Attendance Sheet

Daycare attendance sheets are useful tools to help facilitate communication of important information between parents or legal guardians and daycare organizations. Daycare attendance sheets also serve as development records of a child’s participation in social activities. We offer a Daycare Attendance Sheet template, which includes monthly and weekly attendance sheets in landscape and portrait orientation.

Template Contents

Below is a list of worksheets included in this template.

28 Days Portrait

A 28-day monthly attendance sheet in portrait orientation.

30 Days Portrait

A 30-day monthly attendance sheet in portrait orientation.

31 Days Portrait

A 31-day monthly attendance sheet in portrait orientation.

5 Days Portrait

A 5-day (Monday - Friday) weekly attendance sheet in portrait orientation.

6 Days Portrait

A 6-day (Monday - Saturday) weekly attendance sheet in portrait orientation.

7 Days Portrait

A 7-day (Monday - Sunday) weekly attendance sheet in portrait orientation.

5 Days Landscape

A 5-day (Monday - Friday) weekly attendance sheet in landscape orientation.

6 Days Landscape

A 6-day (Monday - Saturday) weekly attendance sheet in landscape orientation.

7 Days Landscape

A 7-day (Monday - Sunday) weekly attendance sheet in landscape orientation.

Using the Template

Personalize it

Add a personal touch to your daycare attendance sheet. Each worksheet in this template has some general fields - child name, period, room, and title - at the top of the page. Take a moment to fill these fields out and overwrite any existing examples by entering your information into the cells.

Example. Monthly daycare attendance sheet.

Daycare Attendance Sheet personalize

Tip: You can change the original color scheme by including the colors of your daycare organization. A tutorial on modifying color schemes can be found here.

If you prefer to track attendance by hand, the old-fashioned way, just hit print - our worksheets are formatted to print on one page in portrait or landscape orientation.

Monthly Attendance Sheets

We offer 28-day, 30-day, and 31-day monthly daycare attendance sheets, which are designed to track monthly daycare attendance for 1 child. These worksheets are useful for parents or legal guardians, as well as teachers and daycare administrators. Choose the monthly worksheet with the appropriate number of days in the current month. Next, enter the first day of the month in the first row in the “Date” column, as shown below.

Note: The rest of the dates in the month will update automatically based on the first date entered.

Daycare Attendance Sheet Dates

Enter the “In and Out times” for your child, as shown below. Absences can be marked with an “X” or any other preferred method. Duration can be entered in minutes or hours. In this example, we updated the “Duration” column to specify units (hours).

Daycare Attendance Sheet Hours

If you’d like to see the total duration for the month, use the “sum formula” (=sum()) to sum the duration at the top or bottom of the worksheet. In the example below, we sum up cells E6 through E35 to capture total attendance for the month.

Daycare Attendance Sheet Hours Sum

Weekly Attendance Sheets

We offer 5-day, 6-day, and 7-day weekly daycare attendance sheets, which are designed to track weekly attendance for as many as 35 students. The weekly attendance sheets are useful for teachers and daycare administrators, for internal purposes and communication with parents or legal guardians.

Enter the names of all students in the “Student Name” column and track weekly attendance by entering Time In and Time Out for each student, as shown below. Absences can be marked with an “X” or any other preferred method.

Daycare Attendance Sheet Student Name

Tip: The cells are formatted for time (e.g. 1:30:55 PM), but the entries will not fit the condensed design of the cells. To simplify, display time in “Text” format by entering a single quotation mark (‘), followed by the hour and meridiem. For example, if “Time In” is 6:00:00 AM, enter ‘6 AM to fit the cell.

Freeze Panes

If you are managing your daycare attendance sheets in Excel, your column headings will disappear once you scroll down past row 20. To avoid this issue, use the “Freeze Panes” option to keep your column headings no matter how far down your scroll.

A tutorial on how to freeze panes can be found here.

To view a how-to example, see this screen recording.

New Sheets and Historical Records

You can save previous daycare attendance sheets, as well as create new weekly and monthly daycare attendance sheets, in one file. One way to do this is by duplicating worksheets. This method will allow you to create attendance sheet historical records. Be sure to delete any old attendance records from the previous sheet and start over in your fresh copy.

Tip: Create copies of attendance sheets before using them to avoid deleting old information.

A tutorial on duplicating worksheets can be found here.

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