Nursing Care Plan for Anxiety

Anxiety nursing care plan with cartoon image of a crazy brain on a blue and red background

When experiencing anxiety, the mind goes into a state of panic, so the body goes into fight or flight mode, turning on the sympathetic nervous system (SNS).

The SNS tells the body to shunt blood flow away from the extremities and toward the body’s core. This is for the vital organs and to increase the vital signs.

Anxiety can be categorized into:

And includes phobias such as:


Subjective (Client May Report)


Risk Factors

Anxiety Signs & Symptoms

Nursing Assessment for Anxiety

A nursing assessment for anxiety should include effective therapeutic communication. You want to know what makes the client anxious, how long they’ve been feeling anxiety-related symptoms, and how often they experience them.

In addition, it’s essential to know if they have other mental illnesses, such as depression or bipolar disorder. Physical manifestations of anxiety can be found with a physical exam.

Cardiac Function

Neurological & Sensory Functions

Nursing Interventions for Anxiety

Anxiety NCLEX Questions

What is the primary goal of effectively coping with anxiety?

A. Do not avoid the phobia; gradually be exposed to it.

B. Avoid the phobia to ultimately cope with it.

C. Expose oneself to the phobia on an hourly basis.

D. Use anti-anxiety medications to escape the phobia.

Answer: A

A client with anxiety’s primary goal to effectively cope with it is not to avoid the phobia, but gradually be exposed to it. The client should increase their comfort level with the phobia little by little.

This creates a gradual desensitization to the phobia. Increasing comfort while exposed to the phobia will help decrease anxiety regarding the phobia.

A client arrives for his first appointment with the mental health clinic. He is pacing back and forth, has tachypnea, difficulty concentrating, and a pounding heart rate. Which classification of anxiety does the nurse believe the client is experiencing?

B. Moderate anxiety

C. Severe anxiety

Answer: B

A moderate anxiety attack is when the client feels on edge, unable to control worrying, cannot relax, the client may pace back and forth, have difficulty concentrating, and has increased respiratory rate and tachycardia.

Anxiety is an emotion of uneasiness, fear, or dread. Anxiety may cause physical symptoms such as sweating, restlessness, tenseness, and tachycardia. When a client experiences stress, anxiety may be a normal reaction.